Modular canoe

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by billjoat, Feb 12, 2023.

  1. billjoat
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    billjoat Junior Member

    Not sure how many years ago; maybe 20, I saw an article on a modular canoe. It was mainly white with blue trim and you could take a 4' section out of the middle and make it just an 8' canoe. For that matter, you could add 3 sections and make it a 20' canoe. I can just about imagine it in my mind from the pictures I remember seeing but would really like it to se it before I build one for my 2 sons. Best idea is that it may have been English and was in a countryside canal. Also I think that it was in half of an octagonal shape; which facilitated the ability to add or subtract sections easily. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    There are nesting canoes and take apart canoes, but it was hard to search online. The online searches tend to hit modular kayaks. But try those search terms and see if you have any luck..

    I found this one...but it looks like a diy version of a Storer design.

  4. billjoat
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    billjoat Junior Member

    I want to build it possibly

  5. billjoat
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    billjoat Junior Member

    So I've found the EXACT pictures "somewhat". Dragonp1.jpg Dragon40p1.jpg Dragon40p2.jpg Dragon40p3.jpg Dragon40p4.jpg

    The first picture is what I was remembering with the eight people paddling. I was thinking if I could build a power skiff that would have to get under a very low low tide bridge and tight turns back to near my sons house, I would also be interesting to have a boat that could be hinged on the sides so that going slow back in the marsh it could detach on the sides to make it around the bends easier and even to turn around.
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