Modifying Silent Yachts Explorer 120

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Thomas Murphy, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Thomas Murphy
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Thomas Murphy New Member

    Hi there. I'm looking to add solar panel area and an owners cabin on the upper deck of the Silent Yachts 120 Explorer, by extending the upper deck. tmp_7804ea3f-4f97-49ae-b45b-6f0c4ca4aa71.png Screenshot_20240708_194439_Teams.jpg Screenshot_20240708_194314_Teams.jpg

    I'm curious about anyone's inital thoughts. Thanks!
  2. mc_rash
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    mc_rash Senior Member

    Hi Thomas,

    what will be the purpose of the solar panels? Shall the whole yacht be powered by solar energy, are there other power sources a board? What's the plan?
  3. Thomas Murphy
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    Thomas Murphy New Member

  4. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    I think expanding the solar panel area is relatively pointless. Right now it already has 40kWp wich are estimated to generate 240kWh/day. The drive motors are 2x720kW and the battery 624kWh. Even if you could double the generating and battery capacity, it won't make a significant contribution to the propulsion budget while adding a bunch of weight and windage.
    The only case for adding solar I can see is if the current capacity isn't sufficient for the existing hotel loads.
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The boat already has bow extensions to deal with forward loading. Have you done the maths for the added load and the trim effect?

    If not, you’ll want to do that first, before spending a dime on parts.

    The other thing is the higher mass will also raise the vcg, and I would avoid that without consulting a NA.

  6. Milehog
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    First, I'd add a canting feature to the solar panel decks so they could capture maximum solar energy and double as air foils (sails)...
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