Model of my Grandaddy's boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Gator67Girl, Apr 29, 2022.

  1. Gator67Girl
    Joined: Apr 2022
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    Gator67Girl Junior Member

    As far as I know (and was told by my Daddy), he built this at the shipyard in Newport, FL, which was on the east side of the bridge (the 1st picture shows the bridge).
    All of that area has been closed off for years...probably around the late 80's & you can't get to it anymore but I've heard that a lot of the old stuff is still there.
  2. Gator67Girl
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    Gator67Girl Junior Member

    He & his brother had party boats that they'd take folks into the gulf to fish...sometimes going all the way to Galveston, TX.
  3. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    Back then, one of the most productive fishing grounds was the Miracle Mile reef off Panama City. My father's partner ran a charter boat out of Panama City Marina, called the 'RobAnne' in the late fifties and early sixties.

    How old was he when he passed away? Do you think he built her in the mid-sixties? What did he name her?

    To run a head boat, like that, he would have had to have the design and build inspected by the Coast Guard. They may have records and be able to tell you more about her. I don't know if they would keep copies of the plans on file, but it might be worth a shot.

  4. Gator67Girl
    Joined: Apr 2022
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    Gator67Girl Junior Member

    He was 69 & died in July of '69...I'll have to look in other stuff to find the name.
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