model hull with hard chine

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jake wilson, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. jake wilson
    Joined: Oct 2020
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    jake wilson Junior Member

    I'm currently designing a motor yacht hull and I just wanted to know how to include chines in the hull.
    PS: I have just started to learn rhino modeling
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Jake.
    How far have you got so far?
    Have you established a statement of requirements for your motor yacht, and come up with some rough dimensions, coefficients, a displacement estimate and maybe even a rough midship section drawing?
    How many chines are you planning on including in the hull?
    (I must admit that I know nothing about Rhino; rather, I am just looking at it more from a traditional hand drawn approach)
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    This is something discussed at great lengths on this forum. A drawing is not necessarily a design. Also, a design does not need a drawing. What a design does is to satisfy the statement of requirements (SOR). How do you even know if the hull needs chines? It doesn't matter whether you use CADD or a pencil. The drawing is a representation of the design, not the design itself. I suppose that the cosmetic/aesthetic part of the design is a different issue.
  4. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    There are numerous approaches to designing chine hulls in Rhino. Have you designed round bottom hulls in Rhino? If so what steps did you follow to design the round bottom hull.
  5. jake wilson
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    jake wilson Junior Member

    thankyou sir, and yes I have determined the owner requirements, principle dimensions,block coefficient along with the displacement and I'm planning to include one chine of 50 mm . i have modeled the hull as of now. i wasn't sure of the chine width .
  6. jake wilson
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    jake wilson Junior Member

    As of now, i have designed a basic house boat in rhino.
    firstly, i determined the dimensions and all the necessary stuffs.
    for design, i made a box that confined to my length, breadth, depth. i made one waterline and buttock line, midship section. and used sweep2 rail command and made a surface. later,i just mirrored to generate a hull.
    as im learning rhino now i didnt work much on it.

  7. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    How did you design a waterline without knowing the weights?
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