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Mitchell Cove Boat Molds, Calvin Beal JR designed Downeast Boats (sold)

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Journeys End, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    We are selling our Mitchell Cove boat line with all of the molds for 20', 32', 35, and 37' down east style boat. These are Calvin Beal Jr designed boats. The sale includes the name "Mitchell Cove", and the following parts, and boats.

    - MC 37 Hull Mold, 1 piece mold
    - MC 35 Hull Mold, 1 piece mold
    - MC 35/37 Deck Mold
    - MC 35/37 House Top
    - MC 32 Hull Mold, 2 piece mold
    - MC 32 Deck Mold
    - MC 32 House Top
    - MC 20 Hull Mold, 2 Piece Mold
    - MC 20 Full Cabin Mold
    - MC 20 CC Deck Mold
    - MC 35/37 Stinger Mold for Engine Beds
    - 4’ Center Console Mold
    - MVP Gelcoater (7 years old, minimal use)
    - MVP Resin Chopper Gun
    - MC 32 Kit (hull, deck, house top)
    - MC 20 Center Console Compete w/Merc 150

    We currently have one sold 35 in production, one 32 Kit built, and a 20 Center Console complete for the 2015 winter shows. The 32, and 20 are included in the sale. The other molds, are currently stored with shrink wrap, and the 32 hull mold just received new framework. Everything that is for sale is located in Rockland, ME.

    For more information please e-mail sstrause@journeysendmarina.com.

    Attached Files:

  2. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    I am willing to separate the 32 kit, and completed 20 from the package. Feel free to call me with any questions 207-691-5089.
  3. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    We are finishing up another 35 hull, and would like this to be the last one we build. If you are interested in the molds, we encourage you to inspect them, and make an offer.
  4. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Just a heads up to any interested parties. We were asking $285K for the entire package. We just dropped the price to $275K

    If you are at all interested please call and we can discuss.
  5. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    35 is a USCG Certified boat

    Just wanted to let everyone know that the 35 is a USCG Certified boat.
  6. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Price Reduced

    Price reduced to $250K
  7. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Price Reduction!!! $199,900

    This price includes everything but the completed MC 20.
  8. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Reduced to $165,000 less the complete MC 20
  9. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Looking for offers for just the molds.
  10. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

    Price Reduction.

    First $100,000 takes the molds! We are firm on this price.

  11. Journeys End
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    Journeys End New Member

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