Mirabaud-Super Foiler!

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, May 28, 2008.

  1. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

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  2. Meanz Beanz
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    Meanz Beanz Boom Doom Gloom Boom


    I would like to see video of how it goes at displacement speed's. This snap makes it look quite good at slower speed. I'm wondering how much the foils are helping here.

    There was a discussion a while back in the multihull section about space frames. Alot of people where saying that they where not an efficient structure and monocoque was the only way to go. F1 examples and on it went... these guy seem to be flying in the face of this "wisdom"... literally :D

    You know if they ever allow foils in 18's and they dimension this thing right I reckon you might just have a glimpse of the future of the class here.
  3. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    From Antoine in the Swiss Foiling Machine thread:
    " Thomas (the engineer behind the project, who just posted answers to various questions) is probably too modest to say it, so I will: in its first race on a lake, namely the Bol d'Or du Lac de Neuchatel, in Switzerland, organised by the Cercle de la Voile de Grandson, the prototype foiler "Mirabaud LX" took 1st place in "monohulls", 17 minutes ahead of a (modified) 18-footer on a course lasting about 5 hours. The first "normal" monohull was a 42'' racer another 20mins behind.

    Mirabaud LX was also only about 20mins behind the last multihull of the 32'' class Ventilo 32 (there's a very active and competitive fleet of these boats in French-speaking Swizerland).

    This was in spite of very light airs which for the most part (1) prevented the LX from flying, and (2) made it a very tiring work for the crew to keep the boat on it's mini "hull".

    So all in all, a pretty impressive achievement. And clearly if they have more wind in their next race, they might be able to (1) get further ahead of other monohulls, (2) possibly start mixing up w the fast multihulls.

    Well done!
    Thomas Jundts Blog: http://www2.jundt.ch/blog/
    One thing that may not be appreciated by many is that Mirabaud is now the largest bi-foil monofoiler in the world and that,in and of itself, is a notable achievement.
    I will continue to add details and references about this spectacular boat as I find them........

    Thomas is also, apparently, continuing development of his foiling 18 and there
    is a second foiling 18:

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  4. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    Go Mirabaud!

    Thomas and Mirabaud LX are racing this weekend in the Lake Geneva "Bol d'or Mirabaud". They recently won the Lake Neuchatel Bol d'or. 500 boats inclulding many top high tec cats on Lake Geneva this weekend. Yves Parlier is there demonstrating his kite powered planing cat. Mirabaud could make history....
    Good luck guys!
  5. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2008
  6. asetenta
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    asetenta New Member

    Whats the max speed this boat can reach?
  7. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    The boat is optimised for relatively light air but has done over 20knots so far.
    I'd bet 30+ is possible.....A Moth foiler has done 27....
  8. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    Mirabaud LX

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  9. wind_apparent
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    wind_apparent wind driven speed addict

    I want one..........:D (it would be great for Thursday night club racing.....nacra who?)
  10. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

  11. wind_apparent
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    wind_apparent wind driven speed addict

    boy is that thing squirly, I love it.......
  12. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    Mirabaud LX

    Some insight on a couple of the innovative experiments Thomas is trying on the new boat: (e-mail published with Thomas Jundts permission)
    "Thank you Doug

    Yes training/testing session :

    - The foil position (in front of mast) works well, Mirabaud flies better and flatter than AET[the foiling 18dl]

    - The double wand système seems to work well, in any case total symmetric reactions when going upwind


  13. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    Mirabaud has done some testing in preparation for a speed record attempt.
    According to the Mirabaud website they tested the Garmin GPSmap 76s,Garmin Foretrx 201 and the Velocitek SC-10. Only the Velocitek met the Syz & Co Leman Sailing Speed Record Requirements.
    This will be very interesting.......

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  14. wind_apparent
    Joined: Apr 2008
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    wind_apparent wind driven speed addict

    do you know what record they are going after?

  15. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest

    1000m according to the rules above,I think.
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