Minuet Yachts, any real website belonging them ?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by mustafaumut, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. mustafaumut
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    mustafaumut Junior Member

    I found Minuet Yachts at this forums pages and I liked the boat very much.
    I tried to find any information about them but their co.uk and com sites had been vaporised even us dealer site also.

    I sent a email to us dealer and no responnse also.

    Is there any used boat selling site lists these boats ? Do you know their prices ?

    Thank you ,

    Mustafa Umut Sarac
  2. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    I have not found much of any information on them. I suspect the cost would end up being at least $5000 USD to get one from England (if you could find one), then there's the cost of getting it to wherever you are. That's the primary reason why I built one, plus I wanted to do a lot of heavy modification.

    They had a website up somewhere a few months ago, I can't find it now.

    Here's what I've got on them specifically:
    And there was that website that dissapeared...

    Similar boats:

    Bigger similar boats:
    Illusion 12, http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=4976
    Mini 2.4 meter (Olympic handicap boat), http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=4206

    That's literally all I've had to go off of. I'll be happy to send you my sketches and design data if you want them.
  3. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    We have 2 of those Mini 2.4 meter yachts in the boat yards collecting rain water. Nasty little uncomfortable things if you ask a grumpy bugger like me...
  4. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    If you don't like the 2.4s, I don't think you would like the Minuet's either.

    Mine doesn't eveh have a chair in it, you sit right on the bottom of the hull. It's a lot more comfortable than it looks though, and even on a really cold windy day, you stay warm in that cozy little cabin with just your head sticking out.

    If you don't want the 2.4s, I'll be happy to take them off your hands! :D
  5. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    I'll put'em in a match box and send'em over! :p
  6. mustafaumut
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    mustafaumut Junior Member

    Thank you very much Friends,

    PM sent with my email address to you. Thank you very much for your offer.
    Other boats are twice the lenght of minuet boats and same comfort or worse.
    I am planning to enjoy with the design at Bosphorus , Istanbul Prince Islands ,
    Marmara Island , Bozcaada and may be even greek ones.

    Istanbul Bosphorus is a georgous strait , every second , light changes and the color of the sea. May be I can spend a summer, even a winter there , I always wanted to spend nights at the bays and the Golden Horn.

    If you share the plans , I can even send you my micro 8 plans to you.


  7. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    This is one of the yachts I mentioned sitting in our sailing club in Singapore, the other is similar in looks and condition. In fact, looks in pretty good condition, just needs TLC to clean them up.

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  8. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    I want it! I would be tempted to sail it as is just for fun! I need to sew up a patched-up brown sail though to match! And those spars are WAY too clean. They need to be a rusty brown...

    Like this:
  9. RAraujo
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    RAraujo Senior Member - Naval Architect

    Hi RHP,

    Which sailing club is that?

  10. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

  11. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    That 2.4 is a relatively early Mk3 Norlin with the small rudder and early type spray coaming. The construction is er er variable quality and lots of differences between batches. They are OK, but might need some remedial, especially the seat back, maybe steering foot board screws (internal saturated ply?) and cockpit coaming not being stiff enough. Otherwise OK, though do not expect it to be symmetrical internally!.

    Long time since I visited Changi....;)
  12. WhiteDwarf
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    WhiteDwarf White Dwarf

    Umut, I think that you are considering sailing a Minuet type craft in rather busy waters.

    I sail a 2.4m boat in crowded waters, but nothing bigger than a 100 tonne ferry. The tides are modest.

    My experience would suggest that you consider the effect of waves, including boat wakes, will they stop you? Also, you need to deduct from your speed, the tide/current vector.

    If I have misunderstood your interest, I apologise.
  13. ch3oh
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    ch3oh Junior Member

    Sorry for ot. I turned an early Norlin upside down for buffing. I was sure the keel was leaning lightly to stb. There was no indication of damage and the boat had a solid mid-fleet race record so I just figured it must be me or the boot stripe that's crooked. :rolleyes:
  14. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    Wish these were still available

  15. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Build one.

    They are the most fun little sailboat I've sailed!
    Quidnic likes this.
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