Minimum size for round the world

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by longcours62, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. longcours62
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    longcours62 Junior Member

    Minimum size for round the world without refueling ?
    Your ideas, monohull, catamarans ,prao other !?
    Your proposition for best fuel efficiency .
    In 1990 a collegue propose this currious 20 m boat to us :


    IN 1993/4 an architecte propose this more conventional boat :


    And you ,your ideas ?
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Can you use any fuel? How about sail or other forms of energy gathering?
  3. longcours62
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    longcours62 Junior Member

    In fine we thinking sail boat is more expensive than motor boat.
    But il will be difficult for me to explain in English !
    For example the cost began at the conception of the sailing boat : pillars,chain plates,'strongest framing in the mast area, strongest framing for the keel, keel ,support for fit winches and all deck equipment,mast,rigging,sails,sheet, halyard etc it cost a lot !
    Another energy ? if you are thinking solar ...until now Solar Planet is not a very good example !! Cost a lot for building and go slower than if she have a very small mast with small sail ...
    A Japonaise try with "wawe energy",but wawes, sun or wind.May be if one day the solar pannels catch the entire spectre assocaited with light an perform batteries .
    Alcyone was fitted with Magnus cylinders but also the result was not so good .
    No when I ask for some ideas it is with classic engines ,but why not new ideas on the hull .
    Because with 100 feet hull it is 'easy' to perform but for one under 20 m it still possible (for example the hull of our actual boat could be charged with 12 or 13 m3 off diesel ,for a total of 21 m3)
    But it could be interesting to thinking a better hull shape for optimize the concept .
    I don't know if I am clear ?
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