Mini 6.50 design

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Ferman, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Olav
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Location: Filia pulchra Lubecæ

    Olav naval architect


    you might consider contacting Jean-Pierre Magnan (Mail: to ask for any plans.

    I happen to own a Super-Câlin (Mini no. 362, see photo below) and do have a lines plan (contact me via PN if this is of any interest). The boat sails very well and is quite fast; however, the newer Mini designs are considerably easier to sail due to their much greater stability. The Super-Câlin is narrow by Mini standards (2.74 m beam, the maximum allowed by the rules is 3.00 m) with an even narrower waterline and also very little waterplane area at the stern. Please keep in mind that the first series Super-Câlin was built in 1995 and the original design is from 1989. Since then, there has been a lot of development and design improvements in the Mini class.

    If I had the time, space, and money I would love to build my own plywood proto design which I currently work on (a little project to investigate the possibilities with plywood on an otherwise state-of-the-art Mini)...

    tane likes this.
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