MingMing 3

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by CarlosK2, May 23, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    In my opinion 6 meters, 19.64 feet and 1 Ton is simply perfect because you get a sailboat that hoist 30-20 square meters per Ton

    The Dinosaurs are insufferable because they hoist 10 square meters per ton, and downwind as the headsail does not have a boom is the equivalent of about 7 square meters per ton or even less.

    On the other hand below 6 meters LWL the D/L ratio worsens if we want a cabin/hut, great freeboard and very good ballast
  3. CarlosK2
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    The bow of this sailboat imitates those that reach 30 knots of speed when descending a Big wave

    I don't know if this one will achieve it, what I mean is that you pay a fortune to recreate the sensations of a dinghy
  4. CarlosK2
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    Mizzen only
  5. CarlosK2
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    her name ...


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  6. skaraborgcraft
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    I dated a dancing Spaniard for a decade..........memories..

    Last cruising boat build had even less than an old UK working boat averages of 100sqft (10msq) per ton. It was enough offwind in a strong breeze, but pretty hopeless in light weather.

    Im actually returning to the idea of a smaller boat that can actually sail well, rather than a floating apartment with questionable ability under sail. Catching wind has always been the fun part.
  7. CarlosK2
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    Frank Dye and Bill Brockbank

    In Memoriam
  8. skaraborgcraft
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  9. CarlosK2
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    Modernism in the design of sailboats is, as the Pope of Rome said, a compendium of all heresies

    Modernism in the Catholic Church - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modernism_in_the_Catholic_Church

    We, followers of Jakob Amman

    Jakob Ammann - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Ammann

    and faithful to tradition, tradition, Tradition ....

    recognize within the Minimalist church ...

    three sources inspired by the Spirit

    1) Itchen Ferry
    2) Falmouth Quay Punt, and
    3) Canoe Yawl

  10. CarlosK2
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    Amish WindSurf Board

    The modern sloop after 40 years of nonsense can be reconciled with tradition

    we reconcile the centers (LCG>LCB>LCF) and we center (1/2 LWL) a 3/4 fractional rig so that the appendage that grabs the ballast is the centerboard

    Document sans titre https://www.histoiredeshalfs.com/50%27%20monos/C10%20Aqua.htm

    we minimize and even eliminate the low lateral pressure on the stern, we minimize the high lateral pressure on the bow, and with the centerboard neutralized we make several estimates of the Munk Moment and we size the rudder or better said two rudders

    A sailboat that can reach Froude 0.5 as a surf launch ramp which means 150 D/L and almost 30 square meters per Ton


    Hydrodynamic trim stern down bow up
  11. CarlosK2
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    modern Sloop (1970-)

    Mast: 40% LWL
    LCB: 53% LWL
    LCF: 57% LWL
    Leading edge of the modern Keel: 40% LWL

    modern Sloop faithful to Tradition

    Mast: 50% LWL
    LCF: 57%
    LCB: 59%
    Leading edge of the modern keel: 60% LWL
  12. CarlosK2
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    With the expression 'modern sloop' we can refer to those born from 1970 with the keel and the rudder separated or on a larger scale to those born in 1930 with a fractional rig and in 1947 with "Myth of Malham"

    Myth of Malham – Laurent Giles Archive https://laurentgilesarchive.co.uk/product/myth-of-malham/

    The curious thing about this story is that "Myth of Malham"carried the mast at 44% LWL

    and once the keel separated (ca. 1970) from the rudder... the modern keel moved forward and the mast to 40% as in 1870

    The second curious thing is that the trend towards wide sterns and thin bows, a trend suffered in 1880-1890, returned in 1980-1990

    That is to say, you can argue this question as fidelity to the spirit of tradition or as freeing and liberating oneself from the blind inertia of the past
  13. CarlosK2
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    Note the striking position of Aqua Quorum's Keel

    The designer, Adrian Thompson, followed the Primordial Center of the Yacht: the Center of Flotation
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  14. CarlosK2
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    all we have to do is move the rig aft and (with a 3/4 fractional rig) turn the Keel into a centerboard

  15. CarlosK2
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    1 Ton WindSurfBoard for a Traditionalist

    19.64 feet LWL

    waterplane area
    Center of Flotation (CF)
    longitudinal metacentric height = 3 x LWL: 1 degree bow/pitch down moves Center of Buoyancy 5% LWL

    240 kilos lead bulb, 300 kilos Keel @ 1.5 meters depth equivalent to 450 kilos @ 1 meter, Light displacement 950 kilos, sailing 1.05-1.25 tons (ca. 150 D/L)

    Mast centered at 1/2

    Jib with boom/bowsprit
    StaySail with boom
    MainSail with boom

    Keel and Rudders: 64-012A

    "She is no more than an old geezer's realisation of a boyhood dream"

    Roger D. Taylor, Ming Ming and the Art of Minimal Ocean Sailing
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