MingMing 3

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by CarlosK2, May 23, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    "small fishing cutters"

    "often worked singlehanded"

    19-21 long x 9-8 ft beam

    "great beam"

    "The mast was stepped well into the hull and the loose-footed mainsail (...) four rows of reefs (...) A useful sized staysail was fitted with one row of reefs points (...) three jibs were usually carried: a working jib, a large light-weather jib, and a storm or spitfire jib"

    very well ballasted: "some fishing cutters being built with lead keel of about 1 Ton"

    "quite fast for their length"

    "considerable long bowsprits"

    (John Leather, The Gaff Rig Handbook)

    , for example, hoists a 24 (!) square meter mainsail and a total of 40 square meters as a modern Mini Transat (!) one might say, although the comparison has a trick, as the mainsail was the sail for sailing downwind, although it is also true that they hoisted large jibs: a large light-weather jib.
  2. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I was aware of the Dix boat, but not the 18kts downwind.

    The old working boats could certainly pile on some canvass with summer rigs. Mini boats of their day, no doubt.



    "Nellie" and "Wonder", still going strong. Lots of wetted surface though.
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  3. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

  4. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

  5. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

  6. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    That stretch from Canaria to Cape Verde can be boisterous, I had 2 pretty grim days, but it was all "downhill", not that i would have had much choice. Early in the year to be down there. Good footage though!
  7. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Yes, a great short video, and the "ha ha" at the end is glorious.

    I have to think how to express its meaning: it expresses vitality, shelter and protection in a small cabin in the woods, beauty of the natural environment, achievement, i would even dare to say: the triumph of humility


    Well, i think I'm rambling and doing too much figure skating (and -achtung- without a beer.) But that "ha ha" gets to me. I'm going to celebrate "Baluchon" right now: I'm going to get a beer
  8. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Agreed, the ha ha was a poignant moment that could easily be looked over, but was obviously a genuine happy moment with Yann feeling completely comfortable in Baluchon and at one with the sea. He already has a circumnavigation under his belt, so he can relax as anyone can in those conditions, having survived worse.

    Meanwhile, Sven is cutting up his 3rd boat and had yet another delivery of NM epoxy........
  9. kdifzero
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    kdifzero Junior Member

    I just checked in on the channel and suddenly he has abandoned building a boat (2nd one) and is retrofitting a design of his (Bris) from 30yrs back. I want to know if the guy who gifted him the previous boat in exchange for the original build has finished it and how it turned out.
  10. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    The plywood boat he was building was not exchanged. That plywood boat is up for sale on a local website.
    If you gift something to someone, unless by prior agreement, do you have the right to tell that person what they should do with it? I have no idea if the guy who donated Bris expected Sven to start cutting the boat up, or how he feels about it.

    The guy who took away the other foam boat that went through 3 keel changes, wants to stay anonymous, though at some point you might see something on youtube.
  11. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Baluchon arrive a la Martinique

    Bretaña -- Coruña -- i don't remember if Madeira / Porto Santo (?) -- Canarias --- Cabo Verde


  12. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Meanwhile, Sven is still cutting up a nice boat he was gifted.
  13. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    wow wow wooow

    OMFG, Frank Dye reincarnation

    "capsized twice by large waves, and were swamped multiple times"

    "I couldn't get any sleep"

    "sailing the wrong way for a while when I get confused from sleep depravation" (!?)

  14. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Not very technical comment, let's say, but very expressive and I would even dare to say that it is scientific because it is realistic:

    (Copy and paste):

    "I'm amazed that dinghy floats with the weight of your balls in it"


    My proposal: a gigantic boat of 1 ton and 5 point 99 meters in length is without any kind of joke but completely serious: Minimalism for lazy, cowardly and clumsy people, or if you prefer a more beautiful and also true expression Minimalism for old people who they want to go back to childhood

  15. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    This also turned up on my youtube feed this morning. No videos about the actual boat though. Hardcore trip. If i dont have room for a dry sleeping bag and somewhere to make a brew or indeed, smoke a pipe.....I aint going!

    1001 Boats: Tricorn - An early all-GRP cruising dinghy

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