MingMing 3

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by CarlosK2, May 23, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    "getting North"


    This is the question: Cape St Vicent and Cape Fisterra/Finisterre

    Force to go or return uphill


    (a 1 Ton WindSurf board)

    1) skull containing the rather burnt brain of an old sailor sitting quite comfortably and securely with a huge 50 cm high backrest

    2) a solitary winch, for raising the big centerboard, for the anchors and for tensioning the halyards, and note that the Mast is quite close at hand, no need to leave the cockpit ... neither to drop the anchors nor to launch and retrieve the Spinaker (the Staysail is on its boom and has a reef)

    3) a big handhold

    4) racket of one of the two rudders

    5) boom vang, mainsheet and preventer (3 in 1)

    From 50 square meters to Zero, and from Zero to 50 square meters with comfort

    Spi: 30 squared meters
    Jib (Flying Jib): 11
    Jib (StaySail): 7 ... 3 with one reef
    MainSail: 2 x Jib = 14 squared meters: 14-11-7-4

    Mountain bike

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    Bowsprit ...

    turns and reaches the hands of the old sailor


    Similar to this; but without cables, in a real SmallBoat/Dinghy you don't walk above the deck
  3. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Good layout. The "dont walk above the deck" can be a conundrum as something at probably the wrong time will jam etc requiring a trip out the cockpit. Im thinking a deck hatch aft of my tabernacle, where any pole jigging or bowsprit setting can be done while standing inside if needed.
    I recall the Dheler "single winch system", and wondered why it was not more popular; makes a lot of sense.
    Will your kites be launched and set into a hull tube or a sock?
  4. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    The skull is quite a bit larger than mine....
  5. CarlosK2
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    "Will your kites be launched and set into a hull tube or a sock?"

    That was my first intention, because that system is very nice; but after giving it a lot of thought i gave it up.

    The Spi is launched from its tied bag, and lowered behind the Mainsail. And similarly the nylon Flying Jib nice to the hands.
  6. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Although the small sailboat is intended for Downwind and Upwind ...

    In the end I think it will be spectacular ... Beam (close, broad) Reaching

    with Flying Jib, StaySail and MainSail, and with the windward seawater ballast tanks loaded ... And playing with Waves zig-zagging
  7. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Im good with that for about an hour.....I find it too mentally draining.....small skull issue i suppose!
  8. CarlosK2
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    Jib (Flying Jib)

    Beam Reaching ... a sailboat can be very powerful as much of the Sail Force is well directed ... But balancing is difficult as it demands quite a lot of rudder blade force.

    With a bowsprit we get a better balance and it sails beautifully. In addition with good wind it is nice to zig zag between the waves, it is pure fun because usually does not go anywhere because it is usually perpendicular to the coast.
  9. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

  10. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    E x a c t l y

    That's the kind of Rig I want.

    Just the opposite of how it was in the last century: a guy with a lot of money, a bunch of burly sailors changing sails on the bow, the bow full of sail bags ... And a cook to feed them

    Of course, that was back in the days when suitcases didn't have wheels. I remember how we dragged heavy suitcases through train stations. Was it so hard to put fuxxx wheels on them ? No !
  11. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    (pormanteau, steamer trunk)

    Yacths come from an era of travel trunks and an army of burly porters.

    It's amazing the inertia, for example we can still read things like that in a 6 meters sailboat can sleep 4 people. WTF. In a 6 meters sailboat fits a grumpy old man, and a few cans of beer.


    In a small Sailboat of 1 ton a young adventurer can carry 75 liters of water and 75 kilos of food.

    100 kg: 1 sailor, clothes and other things
    150 kg: water and food

    PayLoad: 0.25 Tons
    Displacement: 1.25 Tons

    164 D/L
  12. CarlosK2
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    (And the circle closes)
  13. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    An Itchen Ferry. At that time, a simple build and can be left on drying beach, but with good for its day performance. Thomas Tangvald sailed for many years.

    Putting wheels on suitcases put porters out of a job, but it saves having to tip them a half sovereign. Room for beer is important.
  14. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    This was the swing keel i was reffering to....


    The bulb cants to keep the same profile, putting weight where it is needed and also reducing drag when going down wind. It appears the design never took off, it was expensive for a 15ft plywood boat, but very well engineered.

  15. CarlosK2
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