MingMing 3

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by CarlosK2, May 23, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Webb Chiles

    This thread, ultimately dedicated to the greater glory of Minimalism, is orphaned without quoting Webb Chiles
  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    I don't know if i have written it well in English, i write very badly in English, I'm sorry, maybe I've written a nonsense: "is orphaned" (?)
  3. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Is Webb still sailing that Moore 24?

    "is orphaned" not quite correct, perhaps "it would be remiss, not to mention....." not even English people speak proper like what i does..... given the amount of new words added to a dictionary every year, language is fluid.
  4. CarlosK2
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  5. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member


    (Beam / Depth and Heft Factor)

    Yesterday I realized the following

    The sailboat easy to capsize by the Waves is the well known light or ultralight sailboat (Heft Factor: 0.5) with a lot of Beam (Beam Depth Ratio: 3)

    But at the end of the day the safe zone is B/D = < 2
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
  6. CarlosK2
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  7. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Anyway, i think that a good solution for a small light sailboat (HF: 0.5, besides being well balanced and having a good hydrodynamic behavior) is on the one hand a large freeboard to improve passive safety (B/D =< 2) and, on the other hand, to be able to take the rudder blades out of the water to anchor bow to the waves clinging to the sea with a hundred meters of rope and a sea anchor.
  8. CarlosK2
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    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
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  9. CarlosK2
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    The brand new multi-million euros yacht was on the verge of being lost, broke down, had to stop, and had no procedure to stand still safely.

    By standing still, the paradox of hydro Static stability manifested itself.

    9 Euros was the solution, as the yacht could pull the rudder blades out of the water.



    The stability index STIX is a spherical joke, whichever way you look at it.


    (It should be noted that the Mast of the sailboat is centered. So with the rudder blades out of the water and the Mast centered perhaps even a cheap sack for debris would have placed the bow in front of the Waves)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
  10. CarlosK2
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  11. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Good link to John Scott Russell and observational science.
    I carried an old car tyre to act as a drogue on several boats, and never once used. The 1 ton sacks are light and stow in a small space and could prevent drift onto a lee-shore.
    I think a lifting blade in a cassette is a good compromise, but the faster boats (IMOCA) use tilting blades much like my first Mirror dinghy, but built in exotic composites.
    As a small boat sailer (under 30ft) recovery from capsize was more an important function than resisting. Large breaking waves have no respect for the STIX index.
  12. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    John Scott Russell

    On the Rolling of Ships as influenced by their Forms, 1863

    "Such a vessel [IMOCA Hugo Boss] will be able to carry plenty of sail, will be very stiff under canvas (...) The great danger of a ship which is all shoulder, and has no underwater body, is that across a sharp and breaking sea she is liable to capsize"
  13. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    What about that theory of a boat with very little underwater body is more likely to surf broadside and resist capsize, rather than be "battered by the waves like a rock at half tide" with reference to a deep full keeler?
  14. CarlosK2
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    One day leaving the Strait of Gibraltar towards the Atlantic ...

    The owner of the Yacht, head of a large company, looked at me with eyes of - 'please get me out of here'.

    At the end of that day i swore eternal hatred for modern sailboats and their bad behavior.

    The funny thing about it is that a reckless guy on a WindSurfing board pulled away from his pack, passed us by the bow and then by the stern.

    That day i thought: there is something wrong here.

  15. CarlosK2
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    "to surf broadside"

    I think that this question depends on the Freeboard in relation to the Beam
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