MingMing 3

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by CarlosK2, May 23, 2024.

  1. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

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  2. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Paradox ... AngusRowboat ...

    From my point of view, they are tracing the ultimate frontiers of Minimalism.

    A Minimalism within the boundaries of moderation, safety, efficiency and functional beauty.
  3. CarlosK2
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    Home - JW Boat Designs https://jwboatdesigns.co.nz/

    John Welford's boats have greatly improved the safety of "Dinghy Cruising".

    And we have a lot of small sailboats (< 6 meters, and < 1-1.5 Tons) i.e. the old "Mini Ton" size.

    More or less this from my point of view is the area/zone/world of Minimalism
  4. CarlosK2
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    Michalak Picara

    There are a lot of boats between the two borders that from my point of view would be on the one hand in MingMing 3 and Paradox and on the other hand on the edge of heresy in a huge (haha) 5.99 meter MiniTon size sailboat.
  5. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I never though a Picara would make your list. My test model Picara has gone through some variations.....



    The foamed chines really added some extra stability.....and lots of reserve bouyancy.
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  6. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    Tell me about It
    plywood ? LWL in meters ? Beam ?
    high freeboard in relation to the beam: good passive safety
    Rig ?
  7. skaraborgcraft
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    The model was based on the standard hull which is 5.5m or 18ft x 6ft/ 1.8m.
    I raised the sheer forward by 4in/10cm and run that back to the original cockpit coaming height. The cabin house was added to give self righting from 180 with the standard 500lbs/226kg ballast inside the bottom, and standing headroom for me inside . The additional 80kg daggerbord improved the righting moment.
    All plywood, 1 in or 2x12mm bottom and chine, 6mm sides per plan, but i would use 9mm.
    Sprit mizzen with a balanced lug main rather than the cat-gaff.
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  8. skaraborgcraft
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    This was a colour scheme inspired by Galician fishing boats, like those in Portugal and Maderia. Hard to understand why anyone would want a white boat.
    picara rastabart.jpg
  9. CarlosK2
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    I like it a lot

    + I bet it will have very good HydroDynamic behavior, and this is Essential.
    + Very good passive safety
    + Simple Rig
    + Can be beached on top of the sand/mud
    + A lot of volume for its size, it is really a very big boat.
    + Very good cost-effectiveness ratio
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  10. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I have sailed a Corribbee (MingMing 1). An excellent sea boat for its size and can really push to windward in strong winds for its size, if wet. The Picara has the advantage of being almost half the trailer weight, easier to rig and even better for access to shallow water. Wether or not an increase on the same hull form to 9.9m would be better than a Bolger Skillgalee of the same length.....i guess a model will tell.

    Has Roger sold his Achilles 24 and going coastal now?
  11. CarlosK2
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    Yes, it seems that Roger with his last great voyage has accomplished everything he wanted in Ocean navigation, then he has been lost for a few years, he published a book that is not about navigation, and a couple of days ago he reappeared with this project

    I share the general idea: the older you are, the smaller the boat; but i see that 'invention' a little wet for my taste. I am in favor of Big Boats of small size: the Rolls Royce of Minimalism, haha, Max Min

    Rolls Royce Picara
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  12. CarlosK2
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  13. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Ha! I see Duckworks still have the video i made.....guess it got more views from their site.
    Much to be said big little boats. I also modelled a "flobart" type, same length size as Picara and it had (obviously) far more righting moment given the beam. I lined this one off for ply on frame.



    Something a bit different from todays plywood pocket rockets, and possibly "park it up", in more places without issues.
    Last photo Facebook
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  14. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Roger has taken a bit of stick for putting miles in at sea, but never going ashore, many people "dont get it".
    He did some interesting stuff with the camber panel junk rig, his voyage up to Svalbard was an interesting read and some photo details of the boat.

  15. CarlosK2
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    CarlosK2 Senior Member

    You have the same British accent as Roger, and yet I didn't realize it until today.

    The photo you posted above in this thread reminded me of this video that, however, I couldn't find because I was looking for it on Michalak's page (which by the way I don't understand its strange order)
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