milky oil.. yup again..

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by Field.racer, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Field.racer
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    Field.racer New Member

    hey folks i came across an old thread that lead me to your site..via google..

    i have a stern drive boat with a 250 h/p sbc 350 ci engine,
    i got the boat and the manifolds were pushing water into the engine,
    i just changed the manifolds, emptied out the old oil andfilter, and put in new oil and a new filter ran it for about 15 mins and i noticed the oil is milky white again... i imediatly went into a panic and i am worried thaty there may be a bigger problem..
    but now i see perhaps a few more oil changes may be needed??
    perhaps there was still a fair amount of water still in there??
    any one have thoughts??

    some one mentioned flushing the engine with in atf the traNSMISSION FLUID??
    this is my first boat and so far i havent even had it in the water yet... im bummed out..

    can some one shed some light on what i should do??
    is there hope??
    how do i go about flushing the water out of my engine?
    heat up the motor? the drain?
    how many oil changes?
    what do i use to flush,and how do i do it?

    please help!
  2. capt littlelegs
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    capt littlelegs New Member

    If you have cured the problem you may still have some water in the engine or it's running cold i.e. no thermostat. No point in using anything but proper engine oil. You may need to get it running hot for some time before it clears, I have had the same problem with sunken engines. Check the level to see if it goes up and look for other possible problems. You may be able to do a pressure test on the cooling system, could be a leaky oil cooler etc. but it doesn't take much water to turn the oil milky.
  3. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    Local fishermen here fill their submerged engines with diesel fuel to the brim, crank them by hand a few times and drain them (through the plug, not with a pump).
    It is quite messy, but all the water collects in the oil pan and comes out with the diesel fuel.

    My personal choice would be to use a can of garage cleaner, which is white spirit with a detergent as an additive. It mixes well with both water and oil and forms a stable emulsion you can pump out.

    Transmission fluid is also hygroscopic and can do the same job, but it is expensive and cannot absorb more than 0,5% of water.

    If after this evac procedure there still are signs of water in your engine oil and the engine has reached a decent operating temp., you may safely assume there is still water entering.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    True the motor could possibly not getting up to its proper running temprature and the moisture is condencing inside the motor do you have a heat exchanger and thermostat in the motor??
    Check if its working and see what the temprature is meant to be , what about the dash temp gauge is it low,or medium or only works when the motor is underload ??. :confused:

    CHECK with an oil company about using hi detergent DIESEL engine oil in you motor !!
    This oil is designed to clean and hold the gunk in suspension so it will get to the filter and stay there .:p
    I always used it in my old petrol inboard years ago and the motor was always clean as a whistle inside . :D :p

  5. powerabout
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    powerabout Senior Member

    is it running hot enough?
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