Michlet/Godzilla availability

Discussion in 'Software' started by KalleA, May 5, 2009.

  1. KalleA
    Joined: Mar 2009
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    KalleA Junior Member


    I've tried to get hold of Michlet/Godzilla, but it is no longer available for download on the cyberiad site.

    1. Does anyone know if the information on the cyberiad site about an upcoming new version 9.01 is current and correct?

    2. Would it be illegal / improper / impossible to get hold of a copy? I understand it is/was freeware?

  2. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    There was not a overly enthusiastic reaction to bemoan here.
    Now I have nearly the same question:

    where to get Michlet?

  3. M-Sasha

    M-Sasha Guest

    Me too, please!

  4. csarmvs
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    csarmvs ing. naval

    to your request

    I found this a couple weeks ago, works fine, is the older version 8.07 but is a very good one, I hope Leo don't get mad

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  5. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    The US Navy and the Australian Navy paid for that software and others based on it and you just want it for free?

    Oh, Ok, but only if you don't use it for real boats or anything that might upset naval architects :cool:

    Have fun!
  6. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thanks Leo...;)
    I will use it for real boats (one at least), but I will not tell the audience that I have found the holy grail, and I will not claim to be Mr. almighty like ähhh, anyway I´ll use it for my purpose only. promised....

  7. csarmvs
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    csarmvs ing. naval

    haha thanks Leo, and really michlet is a great program!
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    In the hands of the experienced, you have forgotten to mention.
  9. csarmvs
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    csarmvs ing. naval

    my english should be very bad .. .. but I don't get it:confused:
    what I forgot?
    cesar confused:p
  10. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Well Cesar, there are some people around (even here) believing that a software like this can in itself provide sufficient information to build a boat to the given spec.s. But without a deep understanding of the programmes abilities and limitations and a serious background in naval architecture the results are just another tool in the best case, a danger in the worst. This thread may give you a deeper insight:
    and it is a perfect example how some people totally overestimate what they can achieve using such tool, but in the same context do not understand what they do´nt understand. And some of them are spilling theyr "knowledge" around as if it was a fact, cast in iron.

  11. csarmvs
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    csarmvs ing. naval

    ok, thanks for explain this, I now understand, and like here in this forum, in Peru, where I live, We fight against this "computer's naval architects" whos thinks that knowing some programs can really understand how to design and even build some vessels, and they don't know why We put some things or make some changes, them don't move from the program's examples;)
    I think that programs can help a lot but if you don't have the theorical background, you are just a empirical, a fortune-teller, sometimes get lucky but never will be the best
  12. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Michlet has been used in some very unusual research and I'm not sure
    that I agree with its use in all cases.

    Maybe (Naval Architect?) Volker Bertram didn't have much else that he
    could use when he and some colleagues wrote:
    "Empirical Study on the Effect of Hydrofoils in a Hydrofoil-Assisted Trimaran"
    http://academic.amc.edu.au/~psahoo/Research/HIPER06/Papers for JST(I)/Print-4.doc

    The "measured" performance of concrete canoes is also probably not the
    best verification of Michlet's capabilities, especially when the
    built hull is shorter than the design used as input to Michet:
    http://www.engr.wisc.edu/studentorgs/canoe/Design Papers/2007 - UW.pdf

    Here's a very unusual wave-making application that might be stretching
    Michlet's capabilities a bit!
    Liquid Time
    http://www.sypaq.com.au/main/Sypaq and Liquid Time.pdf

    These dudes claim that Michlet predictions of EHP were within 2% for
    a 90ft high-speed catamaran, but with no graphs to support the claim:

    The agreement with experiments shown on p. 36 of this paper seem
    pretty good but, not knowing Portuguese, the guy might be saying it's
    all crap.
    Can anyone here translate what he said about its capabilities?
    I tried to translate it, but all I got was that Michlet was good
    "to craunch a marmoset". :)

    All the best,
  13. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Engineering is not enough because, according to Prof. Georg Weinblum, "The theory of ships is too difficult for engineers." :p

    The quote comes from an interesting historical look at ship hydro by Prof. Ada Gotman of U. Novosibirsk.
    "Navigating the Wake of Past Efforts"


  14. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    You´re right Leo, there was once a quote here that roughly said: "now its time to kill the engineers and get it built" I did agree with that.

    And I´m very happy to add to my knowledge base that Michlet also is good "to craunch a marmoset", just in case..............


  15. csarmvs
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    csarmvs ing. naval

    I take the liberty of translate the pag 36
    here is, I don't speak very well portugues but I think is good enough

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