Michlet 9.33 Released

Discussion in 'Software' started by Leo Lazauskas, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Your useroff1.csv file has 15 entries where there is a space after the number and before the comma: e.g. 0.0000 ,
    Remove those spaces and it works.
  2. CNair
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    CNair New Member

    Have a question on the graphic output from Michlet runs on multiple hull problems. On Resistance plots I see Rt, Rv, Rh, Rlee, Rw, Rwtrans, Rwdiv. I understand t= total, v= viscous. What are the remaining ones?
  3. CNair
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    CNair New Member

    Rw = Wave, Is Rw = Rwtrans + Rwdiv ?
  4. patrik111
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    patrik111 Junior Member

    Hi, think this will be found in the manual, in the Doc directory.

    it is Transverse and Diverging wave resistance.

    If Leo is reading, hope your break from developing Flotilla and Michlet/Godzilla has been useful. I recall reading about a roughly year other priorities, which might have passed. Are there any plans for releasing updated Flotilla and or michlet/godzilla?

    Kind regards
  5. j42
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    j42 New Member

    Thanks again Leo for the software - I'm trying to understand optimising a rowing boat for a set length and displacement, maintaining some seaworthness and stability - probably ending up with something like a stretched cosine wherrry or whitehall
    As soon as the boat moves there's the transverse waves will mean the surface isn't horizontal on the hull. One can use the sinkage to give the offsets needed for the higher waterline at the the stern and the bow- are those used in the calculations for wetted area, transom drag etc??
    Also presumably a displacement hull given the ends are finer will automatically sink at speed - is that something calculated by the program?
    Or are the effects I'm looking at minimal?
    It's interesting how much there is to learn and how all the effects interact.
    Kind Regards, John.
  6. Ioannis
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    Ioannis New Member


    I am interested in using the Michlet program ( I am doing my master thesis, and I need it). I download the zip file but when I tried to run the software it doesn't seem to work at all, and I can't close it as well (I close it from the Task Manager).
    Does anyone know what is the problem?
  7. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Press ? for help and check out michman_933.pdf in the docs directory. You need to enter input data in the in.mlt file, and use keys to control the program. ESC exits.

    Press y if this answer was helpful, any other key to continue
  8. Ioannis
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    Ioannis New Member

    Hi Dejay, thank you for your help; it is really helpful to start.
  9. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Does Michlet simulate the trim of the vessel? E.g. if your hull begins to squat at certain speeds?

    In the manual it states the only valid option for trim is "3" and to specify trim values for certain speeds. But are those adjustments or overrides for what the software would otherwise calculate itself?

    I've heard that double ended hulls like proas have the disadvantage that their stern sinks in their own wave at higher speeds. Presumably at hull speed the stern doesn't have enough buoyancy to ride on the bow wave. I'd be curious if michlet is the tool to simulate these effects and see how much of a difference it makes or how much longer you would need to make the hull to compensate. And if this is dependent on rocker and prismatic coefficient.
  10. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    TLDR: No

    The free version of Michlet has this disabled, I believe. And even if it wasn't, Michlet doesn't compute the pressure field around the hull, so it can't numerically adjust trim. The intent is that you can manually enter trim values that you would expect to see at certain speeds, and these would be transferred to the vertical offset of the hull. In other words, the stations are sheered to mimic the trim changes. Like I said, I think this is diabled in the free version, but I also seem to recall something about Leo cutting those limits out of his last release before he stopped supporting the proggy.
    Dejay likes this.
  11. Remmlinger
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    Remmlinger engineer

  12. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Thank you kindly! Sorry for missing that.
  13. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Sorry I'm still a bit confused.

    Flotilla 6.2 posted here was only the demo version and is only for monohulls and can't predict catamarans or multihulls, right?

    Was flotilla 6.3 ever released?

    Prelimina looks like a great tool for these kinds of predictions.
  14. Ioannis
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    Ioannis New Member

    Does anyone know how to import a second hull in Michlet? In the manual doesn't explain it, just mention that there is the option to have up to 5 hulls. I tried to put the data from two hulls in the in.mlt file but it doesn't work.

  15. MatD
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    MatD New Member

    Hi all, is there a way to use Michlet in full command line?
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