Michlet 9.33 Released

Discussion in 'Software' started by Leo Lazauskas, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Don't know what are you aiming at, but IMO you are overthinking it anyways.

    If Delta(L) is the displacement BL at the transom of a L-meters long and B-meters wide hull, then the order of magnitude of the ratio Delta(L)/B is typically 10^-3. In other words, the maximum thickness of the displacement BL is only 0.1% of the ship's beam. How much influence can that have on the final result of the optimization and on the residual drag? IMO, almost none.
  2. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Great - thanks - I think that's also what became apparent as I thought and read a bit more.
  3. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Have an old Vaio, it is running win 7. It does exactly the same except crashing faster.
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Then I guess it is something about your michlet/godzilla files.
  5. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    which I have downloaded from the OP, once for each machine...

    edit: now twice, and used windows unzip plus 7zip... same same

    edit: i think the only thing my computers have in common, which is not in common with yours, must be a software. so likely i'll know what causes the problem when i reinstall.
  6. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I hope Leo won't mind - I am attaching here the compressed folder of the Michlet on my PC. I have only used it a couple of times, but I have checked it out again right now and it works perfectly on my Win10 64-bit laptop. I hope it will work on your PC too. Let me know.

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  7. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Thanks. New files same problem. Turns out my recovery environment for windows is broken too, on the main PC. This is going to be a long weekend.
  8. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin


    So I downloaded win from ms, tried to do a clean install, nope, lots of junk left on C:.
    Tried Godz. from C:\michlet and from H:\michlet, with the gin1.mlt: crash, crash.
    resetting again, this time it cleaned out C: as it should: godz still crashing.
    updating win, changing directory permissions as per TANSL: crash.

    All very odd, any other ideas?

    Meanwhile, I think maybe I am able to run a single instance on the Vaio, if I don't touch *anything*, and if I have managed to delay the sleep function enough. If so, then yippee, and I hopefully won't forget to send some small fee to Leo, very soon.

    all the best
  9. patrik111
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    patrik111 Junior Member

    Running michlet in the cloud

    I have had some success in running Michlet on the free tier Amazon ec2 cloud service with microsoft server 2008 r2

    it does require some setting up (to get the cloud thing up and running) but as I recall, Michlet/godzilla ran fine for me.
  10. B K
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    Catamaran squat using Michlet


    is Michlet 9.33 able to predict amount of squat for a catamaran?
    I was trying to download flotilla with that ability but was unable to find it..
    And does anyone know a reliable method for squat prediction?

  11. Remmlinger
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    Remmlinger engineer

    Attached is the 2014-version of flotilla

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  12. B K
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    B K Junior Member

    Thank you! :)
  13. sigurdtjelm
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    Leo's web site?

    I try to get to Leo's web site, but it seems to somehow have been hacked by internet villains. I get up either a creepy Norwegian promising me lots of money or something that looks like coming from the Norwegian company Telenor. I use Flotilla a lot, and would like to have a link to documentation on my web site.

    Do other users have the same sad experience? Ist here a new web site?

    Best regards,

    Sigurd Tjelmeland
  14. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    See posts #28 and #29 on the 2nd page of this thread...

  15. b1ck0
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    Hi Leo,

    Somehow I cannot run the following ship ...

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