Michlet 9.33 Released

Discussion in 'Software' started by Leo Lazauskas, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. gigliagarf
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    gigliagarf Naval Architect

    Dang, I have worked through michlet and was going to go to the free version of flotilla next, does anyone still have the files for flotilla available?
  2. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Sounds like a joke.
  3. LP
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  4. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    I just for the first time started Michlet and GODZILLA, and the G hangs!
    It goes for a while, then stops, and if I do anything to it (click on the window, or press a key), windows says it has stopped working.
    This is Win 10, version 1511, on a couple years old PC. I've tried the bare gin1.mlt, it hangs too. No antivirus programs, except whatever windows has (?).
    It doesn't happen on the same eval each time.
    Help, please!
  5. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    I have no idea what else to try... could you maybe link an older version? Or I will re-install win 8 and try that. Compatibility mode for win 8 is worse, it freezes so hard I have to start task manager to end it. I commonly get 100 000 - 200 000 evals before it freezes.
    I've ran many different example .mlt's, it's all the same.
    What a nice program though!
  6. Gary Brown
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    Gary Brown Junior Member

    Are you running out of RAM? Launch Task Manager and monitor your memory.
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    sigurd, it is likely that Windows is preventing Michlet to read or save some files. Check that the protection of the folders is at the lowest level (see attached picture)

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  8. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    OR, you can try to launch Godzilla/Michlet with Administrator privileges.

    To do that, right-click on the Michlet (or Godzilla) icon and select "Run as Administrator" in the menu.
  9. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Thanks a million! It's as if it has moods: Yesterday it was particularly angry, when trying to run two instances (I have four M. directories in C:\), so I tried only one, and it ran to a million for the first time. Now it has ran 3 instances for an hour with no issues, but when I started the hemisphere (gin1.mlt), that one crashed quickly. It uses very little memory, and I am using only 44% now (mostly bd.net tabs in chrome I think)

    I can't start Godzilla.bat in admin mode, it just flashes and exits immediately like when the in.mlt is faulty.

    Can anyone with English windows point to where I find the menu that TANSL showed?

    P.S. The manual is very well written and the whole thing seems quite easy if you are familiar with some nautical acronyms. Just have to be very meticulous with the input file.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Although the texts of the windows are still in Spanish, I hope this file will help you.

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  11. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Thanks - found the menu now, but it didn't help. I'll have to try and re-install from 8 and upgrade to 10 again one of these days soon.
  12. daiquiri
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  13. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Well, it's a bit more important than that. I am currently at a loss why a series 7 cannot become as low drag as a fore-aft symmetric series 1. I suspect it is just down to the many more possibilities it has to go through, and that it eventually will get there.
    If symmetric hulls are the lowest drag, but get asymmetricated by the boundary layer, then the real lowest drag shape should be symmetric minus the shape of the boundary layer, so that the BL fills in the shape and creates a virtual symmetric shape, is that right? That is probably not even possible. edit Also with the boundary layer being gradual, it wouldn't be as clear-cut as it sounds.

    Or, just suck off the BL so it never builds - this is one of the lower powered augmentations that have been tried in sailplanes, in that case to prolong laminar flow and reduce separation. They use either porous membranes or a zillion holes laser cut into the wing panel, with distribution channels below - lots of fun to clean in seawater!

    That's a cheap PC! Will have to check for something locally. Can the latest M. run on XP even?
  14. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Michlet was actually made for the older OS's, running on 16 or 32-bit machines. The graphical interface looks like one of those good old infallible DOS programs. Most of problems seem to arise on the newest operative systems, mostly Win8 I think.

    But perhaps you were just unlucky. Me, for example, have never had any problems with Michlet on my Win10 64-bit laptop... It runs like on tracks.

  15. sigurd
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    sigurd Pompuous Pangolin

    Yea, but since it use(d?) DirectX I thought it may now be tied in to Windows development too.
    I realized there is a whole thread regarding the symmetry issue.

    There is always some junk left over when you try programs and uninstall them. M. will be the first thing I install on the new win install, so that will determine whether it is some kind of incompatibility issue with any of my other software I guess.
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