Michlet 9.33 Released

Discussion in 'Software' started by Leo Lazauskas, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
    Joined: Jan 2002
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Recent changes to Windows and some NVIDIA drivers caused many Michlet
    graphic features to be painfully slow.
    Version 9.33 fixes these problems for now. (But don't be surprised if
    Windows changes again!)

    After downloading the program, unzip into a convenient sub-directory.

    Read the manual michman.pdf in the docs sub-directory.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2015
  2. NoEyeDeer
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Nice one. Grabbed it while it's hot. Thanks Leo.
  3. Leo Lazauskas
    Joined: Jan 2002
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Your handle is apt - I too have no idea whether the "fix" will work on all
    Windows machines.
    Good luck!
  4. Fnv90
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    Fnv90 Junior Member

    I'm having real problems with the new release. When I open up the application file it's basically frozen I can't even actually close out of it. is there something I'm missing?
  5. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    What did you mean by "open up the application"?
    Did you double-click on the batch file icon?
    Did you press the Esc key to exit?
    Did you read the manual?
  6. Fnv90
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    Fnv90 Junior Member

    Pays to read the directions..........thank. Never used a prompt based program before
  7. patrik111
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    patrik111 Junior Member

    Works perfectly

    Thank you Leo

    Any news on next release of Flotilla ?

    Kind regards

  8. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    I'm working on the (symmetric) catamaran version atm. I hope to release it
    within a month. After that I will finish off the SES version.
  9. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    The next releases of Flotilla have been delayed for a couple of months.
    I'm waiting on a book to be published by a friend which will contain mountains
    of material on catamarans and SES. There will be a lot I can use from that.
    Hopefully I'll learn a lot too!
  10. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    One of those painful phrases which one reads and suddenly gets a measure of his own age... :rolleyes:
  11. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Quick question for Leo. If looking into resistance for recreational rowboats in the Fn 0.24 > 0.45 range, how much better would Flotilla be than Michlet when it comes to estimating the relative performance of two hulls?

    I say relative because unless both hulls are tested thoroughly at full scale there's no way of knowing the actual absolute values.

    The reason I'm asking is because using Michlet is a very fast and simple process, while Flotilla is more stuffing around. I'd only be up for the extra rigmarole if the results were going to be noticeably better.

    I suppose if Flotilla is definitely better one option would be to narrow the interesting range down with Michlet, then do the fine tuning with Flotilla.
  12. LP
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    LP Flying Boatman

    :eek::eek:. LOL

    I always enjoy your contributions........even the serious ones. :D
  13. barnsley
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    barnsley New Member

    Skin friction anomaly using MICHLET

    I am running a very slender 50m hull at 12 tonnes displacement using the series 1 parametric option.
    When I calculate the friction manually from the wetted area at 25m/sec using the ITTC 1957 formula I am getting close to 40kN If I take L/2 in the Reynolds number or about 36kN if I use L.
    MICHLET output is around 28kN.

    Am I using the program incorrectly or is there something about the calc that explains this difference?

    Thanks in advance. Input file attached


    Attached Files:

    • in.mlt
      File size:
      3.2 KB
  14. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    I can't see why you are getting different skin-friction. Have you checked your calculations of the ITTC line and the Reynolds number?

  15. sidetrack
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    sidetrack Junior Member

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to request a feature in Michlet or not, but have you ever considered allowing Godzilla to maximize speed for a given set of resistances, as opposed to minimizing resistance at a given set of speeds?

    Seems pretty useful in a small boat design where you've got a good handle on how many paddlers, how big an outboard, or how much sail you can carry. One might be able to create a better "sweet spot" on the resistance curve for a given propulsion method.
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