(MIC ) manufacturer identification code and boats export

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cacciatore, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. Cacciatore
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Cacciatore Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

    Hi Guys , I have a doubts regarding the HIN code compliant with ISO 10087 .
    Can the exported boats, for example in USA or in Europe, keep the original MIC of manufacturer (for example China, UAE etc...) or is a mandatory local importer needed that could use their own and local MIC ?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    According to the applicable regulations for the "CE" marking, it is the manufacturer, not the marketer, who must self-certify their products.
  3. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    That depends on the local regulations of the destination country. Usually a product made specifically for export is marked in manufacturing in accordance to the destination market rules in order to avoid such problems for the importer.

    For the EU, the party legally responsible for placing the product on the market is responsible for compliance, if the product is EU made that would be the manufacturer, if foreign made the importer.
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Don't know what the EU requires as far as whether or not they accept a US HIN or not but the US Coast Guard does not accept an HIN assigned by a foreign manufacturer, except Canada. The problem is Manufacturer Identification Codes. The US and Canada have a Mutual Recognition Agreement and use the same MIC code system. But manufacturers in the EU and UK , and other countries that use ISO, assign their own MICs. So you end up with MICs being duplicated. MIC ABC may be a a US manufacturer, but ABC in the EU may be a different company in a dozen countries. So US regulations require the importer to obtain a US MIC and assign US HINs to boats they import. The Coast Guard used to assign only MICs starting with X to importers but I don't know if that's the policy anymore (I retired 17 years ago). This does not apply to private owners importing boats for their own use, that's a different issue. People who import a boat for their own use have to obtain a state assigned HIN from the state in which the boat will be used. Boats imported by US manufacturers to the EU and UK have to be CE certified and to get that they have to have an HIN that is accepted in the EU or the UK. There are Certifying bodies that do this. For US manufacturers that are members of NMMA, NMMA is a certifying body. So I suppose they have a system for dealing with the HINs of boats exported. US regulations do not require a US HIN on a boat intended for export.

    If you need to speak to someone at the US Coast Guard about importing boats to the US email Jeff Ludwig at jeffrey.a.ludwig@uscg.mil

  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    If you are going to import boats into the us, acquire an agent. That can be anyone of your choosing, an employee of your company residing in the US, another company in the US, or a boat broker in the US. The Coast Guard doesn't care who it is as long as they are in the US. That person can then apply for a MIC. They can then assign HINs to boats that are going to be imported as they are being manufactured and the HINs can be put on in the manufacturing process. This avoids the instance of a boat having two HINs, an EU HIN and a USA HIN.
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