metzler inflatables

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by faithinthewind, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. faithinthewind
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    faithinthewind New Member

    I have one which I believe is a 1986 model Maya S. I am trying to find the little attachment that allows one toblow it up. Anyone have any idas ? Thanks David
    Spelled Metezler I believe.
  2. WickedGood

    WickedGood Guest

    Attached Files:

  3. faithinthewind
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    faithinthewind New Member


    A valve/little attachment would be grat to have. LOL I would be happ to pay the $25.00. Can you give me a phone number? You may reply directly to my email. Thank you. David

  4. WickedGood

    WickedGood Guest

    $25 each USA plus shipping.

    Let me know which style you want

    Send a check in US Dollars payable to

    P.O. Box 1585
    Saco, Maine 04072

    lots of other wickedgood stuff at http://**********************
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