Metric to Imperial conversion help

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by crossram, May 13, 2013.

  1. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    You should buy by the metre its 39 inch's not 36 !!
    Japanese hand tools are beautiful things to use and once you learn how to use and what to use .is so much quicker than English tools we take for granted . The saw is really good but the secret is getting the longer handle that suits each person . the blades just snap in and out of the handles and can be changed in 2 seconds !!, they can be sharpened with the right files !. There skill saw blades I have never been able to find any where outside Japan even there skill saws had cast brass bases and 100% accurate every time and small narrow cuts so fine you don't have to sand paper . not pressed steel bases like you buy in the shops . Same with impact drills was all we ever used all the time used to drive screws 120mm long straight through wood if you weren't careful . hardly never used nails because of the earth quake thing !! screws hold better than nails !!;)
  2. Tungsten
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Tungsten Senior Member


    Couldn't resist:p
  3. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Ok Convince Me Other Wise !!

  4. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    For the past 15yrs. or so when hot galv. spiral nails became readily available and more economical,I have used them for all structural work,exterior sheeting and sub floor fasteners in house building. They have excellent holding power including end grain, very close to screws. In the last few years as stainless became more economical I also began using stainless screws for all my treated lumber deck work and stainless nails on my exterior trim and wood/wood product siding with a little dab of matched coloured caulking on the countersunk heads to rid the shine.

  5. Adamz
    Joined: Oct 2024
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    Adamz New Member

    To convert from grams per square meter to ounces per square foot, here's how you can do it:

    1 gram per square meter is approximately equal to 0.02949 ounces per square foot.

    Now, let's apply this to the layers you mentioned:

    For the 300-gram layer:
    300 grams/m² × 0.02949 = 8.85 ounces/ft².

    For the 600-gram layers:
    600 grams/m² × 0.02949 = 17.69 ounces/ft².

    So, the 300-gram layer converts to 8.85 ounces per square foot, and each of the 600-gram layers converts to 17.69 ounces per square foot.

    If you want a quick way to convert other units in the future, you can use this Unit Converter tool to save yourself time and effort.
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