Metric to Imperial conversion help

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by crossram, May 13, 2013.

  1. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Don't fret. We won't be much longer.

    By then you will have bigger problems.
  2. Dirteater
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    ah yes... is this where I line up?
    groups of 10? or by the dozen?
  3. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Before inflation from printing too much money we used to use a phrase for the value of cookies, or biscuits: "They are a dime(metric) a dozen(SAE)". :D
  4. Dirteater
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    is that the same as a "baker's dozen" which I remember as 13.
  5. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    In almost every country I've worked they mostly always only have 300 gram csm or 450 csm , a damned long time ago we always used 600 gram and some bright spark said "but you use less resin with 450" !! naturally its stuck ever since . :confused:
  6. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Yes if ithe baker was generous.
  7. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    why revert back to ancient when the rest of the world past that point when there was metres of ice covering the earth:confused:
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    The art and science of measuring progresses a nanocubit at a time.
  9. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    just do it

    This is still a free country where we can use what we choose

    So you have plenty of pairs of dark coloured blinkers for all occasions ?
    or you have your own sand patch to bury your head in ??

    Get over it!! its simple and completely painless its just a mater of using a couple of those dormant brain cells that will die anyway if they never used !!:D
  10. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    I'll keep with imperial until my tape measure wears out :D It exercises my brain cells every day and keeps them from atrophy ;)

    Can you actually point to own your work improving because of switching to metric? Or is it only easier?
  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Dear tunnels, I am fluent in metric. I use SAE by choice, not necessity. Can you fathom(1.829meters) that? :)
  12. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Its still with us

    Was really quite funny during the change over in the building industry
    they started making sheets for wall coverings in metric and never told any one so everything was 40mm short and 20 mm narrow wow what a hic up that caused !! plasters had a field day and made a fortune .
    So now when you buy a 8x4 sheet its 2440 x1220 !!
    Timber has remained pretty well right and 150x50 is the old 4x2 just its hard doing renovations on really old houses because its undersized slightly to the old 4x2 of yester year !!
    its still with us after all this time .
  13. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    the old 2x4 never had a consistent size, they started out at net 1.875x3.875" up until about 1930 or so, than went to 1.625 by 3.625" until about 1965, and they droped in size again down to 1.5 x 3.5" where they are today. this is also allowed to very by plus or minus .125" per industry standard. After they have dried for a few years they will lose another 1/4" in width (across the grain), and very little in the other directions.

    wood was the living tissue of a plant, and the size and shape will change over time, sometimes even get lager again in humid weather. It is just something you have to live with when working in wood. I can no see the contrusction trades here ever going metric, too many large players deeply entrenched I think.
  14. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    4x2 is 100 x50. 6x2 is 150x50.
    Here in Western Australia the hardwood forrest's have been decimated so it's all treated pine now at 75, 90 and 140 x45,
    It makes it interesting repairing older homes ! Only some demolition teams salvage the hardwood, sadly most of it goes to the dump.

  15. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Tis funny Although we started the decimal process in 1966 with currency and I learned it in primary school till the full conversion in 1970 (I was 7 in '66) I still think of a few things in imperial, 4"x2" being one of them.
    You hear blokes my vintage ordering 2.4m metres of 4"x2" .
    Boat length is etched into my brain in feet a 16'or 18' footer I cannot visualise in metric I can do a 30' as I used to build Farr 9.2's and with the advent of the NZ 8.5 metre class I can now do a 28' footer. But 15m + boats I can't do, that range is still 40' and 50' footers !
    My American friends, embrace it, I wouldn't wish the imperial system on anyone !
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