Metal Multihull Cruiser - Seeking Input

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by redou, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Caratoon Brad
    Joined: Oct 2024
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    Caratoon Brad New Member

    Hey, thank you so much. Takes a good person to offer advice to perfect strangers.

    So, let's see if I'm getting a basic understanding of the situation (not the formula) the way my brain is interpreting this.

    If I then want the waterline to sit on an imaginary line longitudinally along each pontoon at say 375mm allowance for freeboard it would be 4321Kg ?

    What does mLD stand for and am I getting anywhere near on track or is that completely wrong ?

    Thanks again....I have about 16 more questions so if you don't mind I'll be in contact again. I won't swamp you with questions until I understand more of the logic behind it.

    A grateful Aussie....Brad.

  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Your calculation is correct, a freeboard of 375 mm would give you 4321 kg of displacement.
    The "mLD" is the full load displacement, i.e. the weight of the structure + all the ship's equipment + all the liquids on board + all the payload.
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