Mercury 600 HP Outboard with lower unit steering

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by DCockey, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Mercury Marine has announced a 600 horsepower V12 outboard with some inovations. Steering is by the lower unit / gearcase piviot, not the entire engine. It has a two-speed transmission with shifting controlled by the engine controller, and a "hood" which opens for engine checks and servicing without removing the entire cowl.

    Article with infomation: Mercury Unveils Innovative 600-hp Verado Outboard, Its Largest Ever

    Marketing material: 600 horsepower V12 Verado | Mercury Marine

    Video with little technical information
    BlueBell, DogCavalry and bajansailor like this.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    That beast is certainly a very impressive machine indeed.
    However it looks fiendishly complicated to me, with so much to potentially go wrong?

    I love the bit at the end where they say it will be available with a 20" standard leg 'for the pontoon boat owners who want to rule the lake'. Ha! :)
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  3. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Own the lake...
    On the other hand, I do have a 20" transom. I think I'll give my piggy bank a rattle. See what falls out.
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  4. cracked_ribs
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    cracked_ribs Senior Member

    Pure armchair thinking from a guy who'll never own one here, but I'm imagining two of these on the back of some of those Florida mega-CC catamarans being a killer combination.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Go on John, that would be ideal for your Sea Sled.

    Although you might also need a retractable bow thruster now as you will only have one engine..... :)
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  6. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I'm surprised there's such a small spread between first and second gear. Is the powerband on the V12 so very narrow? If so, why not a 3 speed? ZF makes an 8 speed for cars with engines tuned perfectly for incredible power and efficiency, with the inevitable tradeoff of a very narrow powerband. A 3 speed would be trivial for them.
  7. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Hmm. Excellent point. I'd better budget for 2.
  8. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I've pulled wrenches on a lot of things. It seems the later design it is, the harder it is to work on. I wonder it would be like, changing spark plugs, or maybe a head gasket on that thing. Just no space for my paws in there.
  9. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I'm using a basic prop calculator, just for a starting point. It tells me I want 19" pitch props fuelled, but otherwise empty, and 11" props fully loaded. The 2 speed transmission looks pretty good from here.
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  10. chartman
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    chartman Junior Member

    Wonder is Volvo Penta shutting down Seven production in November 2020 after only 9 months was due to seeing this coming? Mercury's Verado V12 had to be at least partially inspired by Seven, especially with Seven having its origins from Rick Davis. The history of very large outboards is approaching a retelling of the history of the stern drive story (invented at Mercury, launched by Volvo Penta, then Mercury follows). This Soundings article tells some of the history of Seven. Power Couple
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  11. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    I think making a shifter that takes the continuous load of pushing water is not as easy as it sounds. Up until recently zf had a hard time keeping up with twin disc in single speed gears in the reliability standpoint. Twin disc had two speed quickshif transmissions for inboard applications, never really caught on. Guess it was a price related issue, my application would be perfect for them but in my power rating they were 50k+ and the zf I bought was 17k..... so a tough sell for a "maybe".
  12. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Get two!
    Problem solved.

    1260 pounds, dry, lightest model available!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021
  13. chartman
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  14. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    The cost/benefit analysis seems to suffer from crippling preconceptions. I can buy a 3 speed automatic that can handle 500 hp, 500 foot pounds of torque for 1500 bucks. It's called a TH400. The downside? It's a transmission meant for automotive applications. No internal thrust bearing. Oh nos! What to do? If only someone had invented a self aligning thrust bearing... But no such thing exists. So the only choice is a marine transmission at 30 times the cost, that only offers 1 speed, and forces the designer into prop compromises that are sad.

    Maybe that TH400 would only last a quarter as long, but at the price difference and huge fuel savings, rebuilding it once a year is still a smart economic move.
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  15. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    1300 pounds plus, $100K CAD, each.

    I like the stationary power head for in-deck mounting.
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