mercruiser 4.3 inboard motor replacement cost?

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by nctexn, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. nctexn
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    nctexn New Member

    I didn't winterize my 2006 caravel inboard motor in time for first hard freeze. Now I'm looking for what to expect for full engine replacement including intakes that also cracked along with all the freeze plugs that popped out.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can use the carburetor, brackets, electrics, etc. which will lower the price. A long block is about $2600 and the manifolds about $400 for the pair. It will save you $3000 or so
  3. nctexn
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    nctexn New Member

    What should I expect for the labor cost?

  4. nctexn
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    nctexn New Member

    It is a 4.3L Mercruiser
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