Maybe Massalai was right after all

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Boston, Apr 26, 2011.

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  1. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai

    Having cheeky fun is all well and good, BUT.......

    Hi bntii, :D :D
    Nothing so dramatic as suggested in your cartoon... USA will eventually go down like a faulty firecracker, sssss from the fuse, then nothing... and NO I do not know when... BAD-DEBT has its own rules, If you are big enough like 'Fanie' or 'Freddie' and others, you get to be bailed out until you have used all the money, then a vacuum of vacuous silence, as nothing is happening because the money is finished, (or no one wants that piece of green freshly 'printed' paper.)... I would strongly refute a case of the sky falling, but concede that that "greenback" thing is looking decidedly lifeless as a future global reserve currency with which to purchase oil, machinery food and other imported stuff...

    Hi Michael,
    A tin of beans lasts but minutes once it is opened... GROW your own food is the smart way... I doubt that any of the starving will have any gold to buy the tin of beans, unless they robbed and killed to get the gold, which means that likely you will risk the same treatment... Most who hold gold will have self-sufficiency in food anyway as that would likely have been their first priority.. Gold and silver is recognised globally as an asset class that traditionally holds its value better than anything else and is readily accepted most anywhere in the world...

    Some random links for your perusal/amusement... "Greece isn't only one that can't service its debt, Davies tells Martenson" "LATimes notes that 'the gold market is moving east'" "Philadelphia Fed president notices that Fed is rigging markets" "Something big imminent for metals, Turk tells King World News" "Silver shorts panicking, Norcini tells King World News" - has lots of interesting reads bookmark this link if you like. "How Australian Banks Use Covered Bonds to Play a Dangerous Game" "How Political Incompetence Provides a Deflating Experience For All of Us" "An Ice Age For Australian House Prices" - - but no one will listen or heed the warning... Ed Steers archives, in case you (or I) missed any.... ""So, where do we go from here? A good question for which I have no good answer." "

    - - I have no firm idea either... but I have good ideas for myself and my comfortable survival...
    - - Have you worked out your own options?
    - - The global economic system collapse is totally unknown territory...
    - - It will happen because so much fraud, deception, theft and manipulation in markets that are overloaded with various forms of DEBT.... -
    - - Markets that rely on honesty, fair dealing and trust to operate -
    - - MUST eventually collapse... - -
    - - WHEN?
    - - farkedifiknow... haveagooddayanddontforgettheaeroguard...

    A careful look at the fundamentals of the markets is surely warranted... - - Are the employment figures really indicating growth above, - - a) maintaining employment growth above the population growth and above those who have given up looking, - - b) reflect an economy that is actually making and exporting more than it was previously and consistently holding and growing that growth, - - c) importing less because it is available locally and not that the buying power has decreased? . . . . .

    The trading volumes in nearly markets do not indicate a likelihood of a growing economy in USA as volumes are thin and HST (High Speed Trading) is all the vogue, to manipulate the markets for several reasons/purposes... (That information takes quite a bit of digging but I occasionally get a bit of insider information that affirms these suspicions.)
  2. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai "Bribes hold back Chinese in Australia mining: WikiLeaks - - - (AFP) – 20 hours ago - - - - click on the link for more (2 pages) content censored?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ​ "Archaeologists show off priceless gold haul - - - Published: 23 Feb 12 10:46 CET"

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ​

    21513 @ 10:00 aest 29-Feb-12
  3. masalai
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    masalai masalai

    Oh dear some perturbed reader who cannot post a PM, or sign when they post negative rep with "silly stupid statements" how gormless and silly and stupid a comment about nothing... If you do not like the content DO NOT READ.... just GO away...

    This is where I get on my pet dislike... ALL other posts are automatically 'signed', So Mr Moderator PLEASE, either make rep (good and bad) signed or remove the 'bad rep' option and let anonymity remain, as the present situation does nothing but encourage gormless and silly comment of no relevance in particular and the recipient left wondering WTF for??? :eek: :p

    A vindictive person could have a ball distributing "silly stupid statements" as there are soooo many opportunities with solid justification for same throughout the 'sensible sections of the site' - but I am NOT inclined toward such petulant and childish behaviour...

  4. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    I have reviewed the database and removed the post feedback left a day ago reading "silly stupid statements" as well as a previous comment "spreading junk info"
    Post feedback should be constructive.

    With that said, hopefully the discussions on can remain enjoyable for everyone who comes to share the common interest in boat design, boatbuilding, and boats and boating in general, and not force boat design members to want to "GO away."

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    But this site should be a place where everyone can enjoy the common interest in boats no matter what their diverse backgrounds or nationality.

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