Maxsurf stability: Large Angle Stability GZ Graph Problem

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Eray Ceylan, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Eray Ceylan
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    Eray Ceylan New Member

    Hey guys, I have been working on a 31 meters planning yacht. I have defined all of tanks and weights as well as I can and when I start to analyze large angle stability calculations, the result of the GZ graph did not satisfy me because I know that ship must be sinks somewhere between 0 - 100 degrees however for my design GZ curve almost reaches up to 130 degrees and It's shape looks a bit weird to me. Although there is not any criteria error for IMO rules I believe that the graphic is not correct. so can you explain me how can I change the shape of the GZ curve and what is the reason of this problem ? You can find the dimensions and hydrostatic calculations of the ship in the attachment.

    Thanks for your time.

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    Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Could you show us your msd file to have a look on your boat's shapes?
  3. Eray Ceylan
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    Eray Ceylan New Member

    Yes, of course It is one of the sample designs of maxsurf. I've just changed the size of the surfaces and applied a bit trimming

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  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry but that file is not compatible with the version I have of MaxSurf (13 pro).
    The curve of GZ values that you show us is very strange. It seems as if there was no hull (buoyancy reserve) until reaching very pronounced heels. Check the appearance of the transverse stability curves.

  5. Eray Ceylan
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    Eray Ceylan New Member

    Okay I will check the curves and other inputs. Also it's better to redefine the tanks and weights i guess. Thanks for your help. I will post the results when I solve the problem
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