MaxSurf, MutliSurf, Prolines

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by CarlC, May 7, 2012.

  1. CarlC
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    CarlC Junior Member

    We (Professional BoatBuilder magazine) will be producing a seminar at IBEX (Oct 2-4) on Hull Design Software.

    We've got really good designers to speak on Rhino/Orca and FastShip.

    Any volunteers (NOT vendors) to speak on MaxSurf, MultiSurf, or Prolines?

    We do offer a modicum of compensation.

    You can pm me if you prefer, or carlatProBoatdotcom.

    Thanks so much, Carl
  2. Crag Cay
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    Crag Cay Senior Member

  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I have emailed a colleague of mine to ascertain if he is interested. He has been using maxsurf for almost 20 years. Formsys often ask him for advice!
  4. CarlC
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    CarlC Junior Member

    Thank you both. Because it's a relatively large panel, it would probably be helpful if the designer was in North America.

    I might try to add a speaker for TouchCAD as well.

    This has been a fascinating process.

  5. CarlC
    Joined: Aug 2009
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    CarlC Junior Member

    Thanks to, I'm now down to needing designers who use MultiSurf and ProLines, please.

    All the others are covered. It's going to be a great panel.

    Thanks, Carl
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