MAXSURF issues exporting trimmed surfaces as .iges

Discussion in 'Software' started by hashtag_laeuft, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. hashtag_laeuft
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    hashtag_laeuft Junior Member

    Hi everyone,

    I've been struggling with the following problem for several days now and just can't find a solution.

    I have designed an 8 metre long sailboat with MAXSURF Modeler (version 19). The model contains some trimmed surfaces.


    If I now export these surfaces as 3D IGES (regardless of the settings), the cabin surfaces are missing in the exported model.


    I have already tried all export functions of MAXSURF, but nothing has led to a usable result.
    Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? (Maxsurf design is attached)

    Many thanks for your help and best regards

    Attached Files:

  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    The Maxsurf modeler is quite difficult to master. Despite this, your hull model is very good.
    When I have similar problems, I prefer to make the model, in this case only the cabin, in AUTOCAD and export it wherever it is needed in .igs format.
    I know it's not the answer you were looking for but I think it's the most practical.
  3. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Participant

    What software are you using to open the IGES file? The problem may be with that software, not the export.
  4. Tops
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Tops Senior Member

    Maxsurf Modeler 24 academic->IGES->Rhino 8 or FreeCAD, I see the same features missing or perhaps they are becoming tangled after a fashion ...
    Maxsurf->Rhino->IGES->Rhino or FreeCAD, the features are present.
    Maxsurf pic (teal background), comparison of IGES in Rhino (gray) and in FreeCAD (blue to gray).

    pongo_27 maxsurf.jpg pongo_27 compare.jpg pongo_27 compare_freecad.jpg

  5. hashtag_laeuft
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    hashtag_laeuft Junior Member

    Hi together,
    many thanks for your replys and testing on your ends.
    As could be shown, the problem came from MAXSURF, as it seems to have generated the same problems with more recent versions of the software.

    I was actually able to solve the problem.
    The exported surfaces from the cabin were there in the export, but were declared as invalid and therefore not displayed.

    I made a small change in the model, and now it works.

    Previously, the points from the roof of the cabin ran to one and the same X/Z position. It has become a kind of flat plate there.


    I have now changed this so that I have pulled apart the points a little. The differences in the model are not great, but MAXSURF seems to be able to process the whole thing better this way.


    The surfaces are exported properly and there are no more difficulties in creating an surface grouping from the partial surfaces.


    Problem solved .. at least for now ;)

    Many thanks for your input and triggering me to re-think some small details of the design.

    Best regards
    Tops and TANSL like this.
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