Maserati-- 70' Ocean Racing Foiler

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:
    Maserati Multi70 is currently in Hawaii, in the Honolulu base. There is also our workshop container equipped with everything the Shore Team needs in case of interventions on the boat, also major ones.

    The program for the next few weeks includes testing the rudders.

    Particular tests will involve the new rudders’ configuration, which is different from the one used ’til now and involving modified positioning parameters. The changes made will be tested around the end of November in the Hawaiian waters, during training.
    Everything will go back to MOD gear before casting off towards the China Sea, as the presence of many floating objects suggests the MOD configuration for the attachments as a strategy to avoid the risks of collision.

    Around the end of November, Maserati Multi70 will travel from Honolulu to Okinawa, the last island of Japan.
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Excellent video except its all in French and /or Italian-but some very cool pictures. Guillaume Verdier takes a ride with Giovanni Soldini and Team Maserati:
  3. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Dear Doug, translation of Guillaume Verdier comments :
    "We are here to test the rudders that tends to stall, we have the phenomenon since the boat exists, and so we try to make rudders that are stronger and stiffer, and of course we try to understand why. And it is a complex situation because there is an interference between the main hull rudder and the leeward ama one and so we have made revised drawings for the next season so that the boat can be more controllable and the helm more enjoyable to steer. It is a bit intrinsic to all flying boats as the configurations are quite different for the various flight heights, it would be necessary to change the setting for each condition. If we have more control, we can go faster and it is less dangerous. One of the big works we will do is to make sure the rudder gets up, and that at least when it hits a floating object we do not completely lose the structure of the boat and the control and all that. We will improve anyway."
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks, Dolfiman! See my PM....
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati's next moves:
    A new record to beat for Giovanni Soldini and the Maserati Multi70 Team: after claiming the records for the United States’ “Gold Route” from New York to San Francisco and the “Tea Clipper Trade Route” between San Francisco and Shanghai, China, the latest record attempt follows the route of the clipper ships that at the end of the 19th Century transported their cargoes of tea from Hong Kong to London via the Cape of Good Hope.

    The current record time, set in 2008 by Frenchman Lionel Lemonchois and his eight-man crew aboard the 100-foot catamaran Gitana 13, is 41 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 34 seconds.

    Giovanni Soldini aims to attempt the record breaking run in January 2018 aboard the Maserati Multi70 trimaran along with four expert ocean racing sailors : Sébastien Audigane (FRA), Guido Broggi (ITA), Oliver Herrera (ESP) and Alex Pella (ESP).

    13,000 miles, 24,000 kilometres non-stop: this is an uncommonly long route for a 70-foot multihull such as Maserati Multi70. To minimise the risk of damage, instead of sailing in foiling mode the boat will be set up in MOD configuration – although the work to develop the boat’s foiling dagger boards continues with the support of the eminent high-performance yacht designer, Guillaume Verdier.

    After undergoing a series of sea trials in Hawaii, Maserati Multi70 will set off at the end of November for Okinawa, Japan. After a final transfer to Hong Kong, Soldini and his crew will be on standby to depart on the record attempt the beginning of January 2018.
  6. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Ok, I'm confused. The first paragraph of the above reads like Maserati is the current holder of the NY to San Francisco as well as San Francisco to Shanghai records? Really? when did these happen? or am I misreading it.

  7. OzFred
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    OzFred Senior Member

    It seems that the text in red is a quote. It is polite, for both the author and others reading the quote, to include a link or reference to the original (A new challenge for Giovanni Soldini and the Maserati Multi70 team That way it can be read in context and does not make it appear that you are the author.

    It is also polite to first post the link, then post your précis of the content rather than just copy/paste someone else's work.
  8. OzFred
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    NY to San Francisco (Gold Record) 10 Nov 2017: Maserati Breaks Gold Route Record Stylishly - Sail Couture

    San Francisco to Shanghai (Tea Clipper Trade Route record) 1 June 2015: Maserati sets San Francisco - Shanghai Tea Route record -
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:
    On Sunday November 26th Giovanni Soldini and the Maserati Multi70’s Team left Honolulu towards Japan (around 4000 nm of crossing), after completing the work aboard Maserati Multi70 and performing the last tests with designer Guillaume Verdier.

    The trimaran is currently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, at 20° North and 178° East and a few hours ago it passed the International Date Line.

    “Maserati is in great shape and she’s diving off the waves at high speed – Soldini says – We’re sailing with full jennaker and mainsail at 25-30 knots. Aboard everything is fine, last night Francesco cooked lentils and bacon for everyone… it’s not quite an equatorial dish but all the crew really appreciated it”.

    The Maserati Multi70’s Team is getting ready to face the last part of the journey to Japan. The trimaran will leave the trade winds and enter an area of turbulence with more complex weather conditions. The cold fronts usually pass by the Japanese islands and flow towards the Northern Pacific Ocean. The strong cold air flows behind them create a North-North West wind that will need to be managed smartly by the Team.

  10. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    More from Team Maserati:

    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi70’s Team arrived today in Okinawa, Japan. The oceanic trimaran departed from Honolulu, Hawaii, on November 26th and covered more than 4000 miles in less than 8 days.

    «I would say it went really well — said Giovanni Soldini. Until yesterday we always sailed with leading wind, then a cold front with a small depression gave us 24 hours of pretty athletic sailing, with heavy sea and close wind and beam wind. The boat reacted very well».

    Tomorrow morning Maserati Multi70 will undergo a routine check up. The Team doesn’t have particular damages to point out. There was in impact with a floating object during the navigation but luckily the damage was contained and easily repairable.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team Maserati:
    On Monday morning local time, Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi70‘s Team left the island of Okinawa in Japan heading towards Hong Kong. The oceanic trimaran must sail 820 nautical miles before reaching its destination.
  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team Maserati:
    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi70‘s Team arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday December 13th.
    They covered the 820 nautical miles route from Okinawa to Hong Kong in about 40 hours.
    During these days the Team is starting to get ready for the Hong Kong to London record.

  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team Maserati:

    January 10, 2018
    Maserati Multi70 is moored in Hong Kong’s harbour waiting to sail off for the Tea Route record from Hong Kong to London.

    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi70’s Team finished all the last touches before the navigation, they set up the new kitchen, got the pantry ready and they conducted some sea trials.

    Now the crew is in stand-by, they are examining the weather conditions to identify the best time window to set sail.


  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team Maserati:


    January 11, 2018
    Maserati Multi70 is ready to set sail for the Tea Route record from Hong Kong to London.

    Giovanni Soldini and the other crew members – Guido Broggi, Oliver Herrera, Alex Pella and Sébastien Audigane – plan to set sail on Friday 12th January, between 9am and 11am UTC, late afternoon in Hong Kong.
    “The idea is to exploit winds blowing from the North East that has spread from the starting area along the whole east coast of Indochina”, explains Pierre Lasnier, routeur of the Maserati team who will follow the record on land. “We expect that wind to stop on Tuesday 16th and the flow will start to break in the South, over the Sunda Strait. At this point, it looks better for Maserati Multi 70 to start as soon as possible to find good conditions to go South, at least up to South Vietnam or Malaysia”.

    Giovanni Soldini explains that “This is not really what we called a perfect weather window, but we do not know if and when we will find again conditions like these to leave. So we made the decision together, with the whole crew last night.”
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