Mariner 2 stroke 1997 help !

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by Guernseyfisher, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Guernseyfisher
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    Guernseyfisher New Member

    Hi all I’m new to the forum and would appreciate some advice , I’ve got a mariner 3 cylinder 2 stroke 1997 outboard , I’ve recently cleaned all the carbs , fitted new spark plugs etc ..... Fresh fuel and the primer squeezy thing is stay hard the engine starts first time , impeller is working well engine revs fine and runs fine on idle , but when you accelerate more than 3000 rpm the motor bogs down :/ ...... any one got any ideas had to come in at low revs , it’s intermittent because twice today it was fine, also to note the alarm was going off a bit but motor didn’t seem hot any ideas would be helpful driving me mad
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Does it bog down right away or does it take a little while?
  3. Guernseyfisher
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    Guernseyfisher New Member

    It runs fine from cold then usually after about 5 mins of running out the marina running up to max throttle it bogs if I slow down and then accelerate it bogs and only allows me around 8 knots but yet it will stop and start on the button and idle while is bogging
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    May be fuel pump. but you need the engine manual and to follow troubleshooting procedures. You can check for fuel pump by having a tote tank elevated above engine height. Sometimes the fuel connection fittings can allow air to be sucked in, too, interrupting fuel supply, when the motor bogs down, you could try having someone with you continually squeezing the primer bulb as you motor along, if it runs normally then, it would seem to be somewhere in the fuel delivery. Even as far as the needle valve sticking in one carb, running a cylinder down will only become obvious when you try and power up.
  5. Guernseyfisher
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    Guernseyfisher New Member

    Thank you for your advice ! I shall let you know how it goes !! Great forum
  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    One easy way of testing the fuel pump, is to have someone handpump fuel using the primer bulb. If it solves the problem, the engine is fuel starved.

  7. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I did mention that, but obviously you need someone else aboard.
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