Marine diesel engines

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by janesci, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. janesci
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    janesci Junior Member

    What other makers of USA brand I/B engines do we have in the market?
    I mean other than.. Mercruiser.. Volvo penta (this is european..).

    That is cost effective.. I need to buy a several sets for my boats being built in our yards and mostly 260HP~300H/P ranges.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Volvo Penta makes the gears in Sweden, but the rest is either American or Mexican(blocks). All the engines are either Chevrolet or Ford marinized.
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  4. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Thank you Gonzo and Michael, but I was looking at some unpopular brands with good performances and easy service.. main purposes are cost. I will need to purchase them in volume but world known brands are too expensive.
  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Don't the Koreans ..the Hyundai group ...produce a line of stern drives ?

    Many companies add Mercury Bravo stern drives to diesel engines.

    Fiat ..

    I dont know much about Stern Drive marinization. Perhaps all you need are the legs ?
  6. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Thank you Michael, Hyundai SEASALL brands were launched a few years ago yet not many builders in here are using them as they are not cost effective us. still US brands are very strong becuase they are historically proven in the market. more over, we now have a free trade agreement with USA.
  7. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    What Michael said is correct, if you're building work boats use legs. Cost is much less, maintence is easy & low cost and operation is simple.

    I did a feasibility project for RNZ Navy to replace 25 legs on 7.4m Zodiac Hurricane RHIB with Hamilton jet, to improve performance.

    Sternlegs were good with high speed but not suitable for beach assaults
  8. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    There must be local brands as well. Only in Italy you find Sofim (Fiat/Iveco) diesels with Merc drives, simply because of availability and maintenance.

    I guess in Korea there must be plenty of suitable engines like the Kia/Hyundai 2.5crdi or the Ssongyang Mercedes-style diesel.
  9. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Thank you all. thanks for the helps.

  10. Silverbreeze
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    Silverbreeze Bruno Tideman

    They marinize GM/Isuzu Duramax from Ohio
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