Marine Design Software for Hull Modeling

Discussion in 'Software' started by Admin, Jan 1, 2016.


Which program(s) do you use as your primary hull design/modeling software?

  1. Autoship

  2. AVEVA

  3. Catia

  4. DefCar

  5. Delftship

  6. Fastship

  7. Freeship

  8. HullCAO

  9. HullForm

  10. MAAT

  11. Maxsurf

  12. MultiSurf

  13. Naval Designer

  14. Napa

  15. NX

  16. Paramarine

  17. Prolines

  18. ProSurf

  19. SolidWorks

  20. Rhino

  21. SeaSolution

  22. TouchCAD

  23. Other (please post below)

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  1. Admin
    Joined: Jun 2001
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    Admin Administrator

  2. Hanoian
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    Hanoian New Member

    I'm a newbie, and may i have an offline question, sorry if it could make inconvenience.

    Some of my Partners suggesting Intergraph Softwares to use in Shipbuilding Industry. But i didnt saw it in the list above. So, any one of you ever used Intergraph Softwares and how did you applied it to the project's works ? Thanks again !
  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Hexagon Geospatial is the division of Hexagon AB that currently owns Intergraph products and other than a failed vector based drawing program (which I know nothing about), I don't see any yacht or ship design design packages from Hexagon Geospatial. Do you have a specific package you can point too?
  4. Hanoian
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    Hanoian New Member

    Thanks PAR,

    It is said that Shell Peart GTL in Qatar used Intergraph SmartPlant for The central engineering solution, built on Intergraph’s SmartPlant® Instrumentation and hosted by Intergraph, helped enforce project standards and best practices among multiple project contractors.

    I think Intergraph is much better in Offshore Engineering, even they have co-operate with OMT for some Canadian Projects

    Anyway thanks again. But what issue are you talking about a failed vector based drawing program
  5. Casper
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    Casper Junior Member

    Hi everyone and to all experts,

    Can I ask if the AVEVA Marine is good for boatbuilding applications, let say for example with the FRP materials or is it only good for large scale shipbuilding industry with steel or aluminum materials?

    Thanks in advance and highly appreciated for all your inputs.

  6. soe
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    soe New Member


    Other software is Tribon.
  7. Kestrel
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    Kestrel Junior Member

    going on Thinkdesign par. CAD3D+SUPHAD hull analysis+COSMOS FEA composites
  8. Hatek
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    Hatek Bøljan Blå

    What software(s) is recommended/best for someone planning on designing and producing "small" ships (under 25m/80ft), such as workboats and fish farming cats? From concept to production, where the whole process is covered. Hull, structure, basic outfitting, calculations and all the necessary drawings.

    I know Rhino + Orca3D is good for hull and concept design, but is it adequate for structure modelling of ships in this size category?
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In my opinion there is no better or worse software but the program that best suits your needs, your budget and the expertise of your technicians.
    Here everyone will tell you that the program he uses is the best.
    The best thing you could do, imo, is to ask developers of specialized software, describing in detail what you have and what you need.
  10. ih_maruf
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    ih_maruf Maruf

    Is there any software which is free?
  11. JotM
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    JotM Junior Member

    Besides Freeship I use Delftship Free, Polycad and CAESES Free.
  12. ih_maruf
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    ih_maruf Maruf

    Thank You JotM

    Will you help me by giving download link of this software or will you send me this software by e-mail?
    my e-mail:

    Thank You
  13. JotM
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    JotM Junior Member

  14. sabeo
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    sabeo New Member

    Why has nobody mentioned PIAS or Fairway? Both from the company SARC in the Netherlands.

    Fairway is for the hull form design and PIAS is for the naval architectural calculations.

  15. DrewO2
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    DrewO2 New Member

    What is the software used for most of the designs in the Gallery section of this Site? Which would be the easiest to use for MacBook Pro 2013 OS High Serria?
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