Marble Dust polyester filler to use on stictch boat?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Smallboater, Aug 24, 2020.


Can marble dust be used as filler? On sticth boats.

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  1. Smallboater
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    Hi, I wonder if I can use marble dust/calcium carbonate to make the “peanut butter”/filler for my stitch and glue boat? Also can I mix it to the resin to soak the woven fiber glass cloth?

    I will use a polyester lamination resin.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You should only use a material that has no moisture. Otherwise, the resin may not cure properly or at all. If this is a small quantity, you can dry it at home in an oven. However, fumed silica is a better product. It will increase viscosity with a lower amount of material.
  3. Smallboater
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    Thank you I wasnt aware of moisture content. Its a 7ft boat I guess I will need up to a kg of marble dust.

    Also I want to use smaller amount of marble dust for lamination to give a color and maybe strenght. I have read many articles on its’ casting benefits. But I guess it is not used in lamination.
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    It won't do what you want it to do, stick with the traditional products.

    Although polyester wouldn't be my first choice for stitch and glue.
  5. Smallboater
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    Thanks a lot, I understand your concern however since epoxy is almost double price, it is over my budget.
  6. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Marble dust?
    Use tried and true products for best results.
    Fumated silica (Cabosil) is best, just make sure you’re using proper PPE, as it is a very fine dust, and it takes a good bit of mixing to wet it out.
  7. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    If price is such a concern don't use any kind of "peanut butter" and S&G technology. Use ply on frame with wooden stringers, glue and screw the plywood to the stringers with the cheapest waterproof glue and galvanized screws. Then you can use polyester resin and fiberglass on the outside if you want to for waterproofing the joint.
    To be fair, any epoxy is better then polyester for this application, and there are other brands on the market not only the expensive West system.
  8. Smallboater
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    So this small boat will not be on the sea all the time, I planned it as a folding boat and I’ll keep it in back of my car hopefully.

    Maybe I can do it as you say since it would be easier for me to put screws. I’ll think about it. I thought polyester would be somewhat similar to epoxy in the sense of gluing.
  9. Smallboater
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    I think we all need an experiment to enlighten this dark spot :) How much silica would I need for 7ft boat? I already have the marble dust I will post visuals when I get the resin soon, to make a small trial hopefully.
  10. Smallboater
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    Smallboater Junior Member

    I decided to get epoxy, your comments made me have a clearer idea of polyester so I cancelled my polyester resin order :) thanks for all attention..

  11. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    A smart decision. Now look for something cheaper then West, I am sure you will find soemthing.
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