Manie's TEN

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Manie B, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Wynand N
    Joined: Oct 2004
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    Thank you so much Angelique for finding my old website again, I thought it was gone and obsolete. I added the link to my signature and if only one person gains something from it, all the effort was worth it compiling it many moons ago.
    Originally the website was posted on a domain owned and paid for by a member of this forum whom was building a boat for himself at the time. A few years ago I presume he went cruising or perhaps something else got in the way and the domain was lost. I was flabbergasted because a lot of personal effort went into compiling "Amateur Steel Boatbuilding" page.....
    Agian, thanks a lot Angel
    hoytedow likes this.
  2. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → → I wish

    Thanks for putting all that info in the website Wynand, little effort for me to pass on the link, happy to do so . . :)
    hoytedow likes this.
  3. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Hi Folks, its been a long long time, but for now
    This Boat is for Sale - Manie's Ten - price = one Dollar
    I have been living in Cape Town for the past 6 years and my circumstances have changed completely.
    It would be nice to give the boat to someone that would be interested in such an adventure, I simply cant.
    hoytedow likes this.
  4. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Welcome back Manie!
    Will you deliver?
    hoytedow likes this.
  5. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Yes I can arrange delivery to Capetown areas South Africa, the boat is presently on a farm 200 kms from Capetown
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  6. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    But I'm in Canada...
    hoytedow likes this.
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