Manie's TEN

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Manie B, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Location: Cape Town South Africa

    Manie B Senior Member

    Hello to all the friends that are enjoying this project. I am still in the sticks miles away from civilization but progress is a little better now that the weather is easing up. Hoping to be on the water at the end of the month. Here is the next video.
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  2. PetitPette
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    PetitPette New Member


    How is the launching going? Ive only seen pictures and videos of the boat on land. Im very curious how the boat will behave under sail...
  3. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Cape Town

    Hello folks,

    So here is an update for a change :)

    I have moved down to Cape Town now permanently with my business partner Anthony de Richelieu and his cousin Matthew Ryan, Matthew is joining us to learn all about boat building.

    The very basic first test, to see if Celebrator floats went down well enough in the muddy waters of a Vaaldam that is emptying fast because of the drought. I won't call this a launch because in those conditions you can hardly call it a launch, more like fumbling around. But so far so good. Now the REAL testing will begin at the Langebaan Yacht Club. I will be able to start working again on Celebrator next week because we will have a small workshop set up then.

    In the meantime we have decided to join the SV14 organization which is a sailboat for disabled sailors, and we are also going to build a SV14 and get involved with all aspects of disabled sailing eg. building, sailing, promoting and fundraising. I will start a new thread specifically dedicated to SV14 and explain a lot more there.

    We will be posting regularly now for both the boats, Celebrator and our SV14 lots of pictures and good instructional Youtube videos.

    This is a dream come true for me because finally I am living at the sea in one of the most iconic and beautiful cities in the world, lots of sailing and building boats and above all just doing what I love.

    Here are more updates here

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    hoytedow likes this.
  4. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

  5. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Cape Town

    Hi folks here is the news as it went out this morning.
    I will be more specific with the next posts so that Celebrator and SV14 will not be together but individually - each on their own thread.
    This way you only read what you are interested in.

    Well good morning folks, coming to you live from the beautiful Cape Town :) here is this weeks video introducing the team to you!

    As you can see we have been VERY BUSY - firstly finding a suitable house was a mission and then moving in is always a nightmare. Getting the multitude of computers and software programs AND wifi internet up and running was a challenge to say the least. Keep in mind all three of us are computer nerds, Anthony of course is the IT grand master, and even then we had our work cut out for us. Filming and editing as amateurs is a daunting task.

    We are working on our next video already and there you are going to see me building our new film studio and workshop in the garage at home. Already this is working out beautifully, because this will be the birthplace of the SV14 that we are going to build.

    And now for the cherry on top - because I now have a cool workshop right next to Celebrator, I can now put the finishing touches to her and get her ready for the first of many sea trials. And yes the old fart is still up to it !!!
    As they say folks, age is but a number, rock on and do it to it !!!

    Oh and just as a footnote, living with two youngsters that are hyperactive is just something else. And that will be a fun story for another time :)
  6. thesavageofjack
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    thesavageofjack New Member

    Manie, This is Clyde on this end (savageofjack). Greetings from N. central Minn. I've been reading through your thread. Quite an undertaking and quite a project. I take my hat off to you and wish you all the best.
    A little over 4 months since u posted. How is it going? You are coming up on your winter down there. Have you had celebrator out for her first trials yet? I'm certain that there are many that want to know.
    The world is a crazy place. Here is wishing you all the inner peace you may enjoy in the world you have created. Coming to term with ones ownself has always been one of life's biggest challenges Here is wishing you all the best my friend.
    Fair winds, Clyde
  7. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

  8. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Well folks it been a very very long time, all sorts of life happenings, business going down the tubes, no need to explain more, but divorce after 33 years of marriage, sell everything to survive, start all over again....... and guess what ??.......we can breathe again !!.......actually light at at the end of the tunnel !!.......and you better believe it !! going to get back to the TEN. It needs a bit of TLC - but it has survived really well - being out in the harsh sun for 3 years on the hard, in Capetown South Africa. Ill keep you posted and you will hear more from me, bit by bit. It going to be slow for now but by February it should speed up. Thanks for the support. May you all have a great day and bless you !!
    hoytedow and Angélique like this.
  9. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    This was the last pic ill post new ones soon

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  10. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

  11. DriesLaas
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    DriesLaas Weekend Warrior

    Yippee Manis, looking forward to this.
  12. Wynand N
    Joined: Oct 2004
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    Hi Manie,
    Are you still living in Cape Town?
    My son stays in northern suburbs of Cape Town and I visit them quite often. Perhaps we can have a beer if you are still in that part of the woods.
    In fact, Im busy buying my retirement home in Gordon's Bay (Fairview Golf Estate, busy building it) and you will be more than welcome. Maybe go fishing and get some kreef in my boat.
  13. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Hi Wynand,

    Great hearing from you !!
    Yes I am still in Westbeach, Bloubergstrand, Cape Town and absolutely LOVE it.
    Great hear you are moving down here, that is good news, most definitely time for a beer again.
    My daughter has also been transferred to Cape Town and got a nice townhouse in Durbanville, so they are probably close to where your son is.
    Please when you are down here get in contact and we will meet. Looking forward to seeing you again and remember the holiday season is on us !!

  14. Wynand N
    Joined: Oct 2004
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    Wynand N Retired Steelboatbuilder

    I believe we still have the same contact - Cell numbers and email. Im down in CT from last week this November to Mid January 2020 to visit the grand kids. Will definately give you a ring then.
    Sommer 'n lekker steak en boerewors braai saam met daaddie bier of twee....

  15. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → → I wish

    Hi Wynand & Manie et al.

    Wynand, as for the retired website info in your signature, I've just checked the WayBack Machine for it, and the valuable info from your website seems to be all captured and available for those interested . . :)

    I've posted some A II reference on the thread Real Ocean News in post #86
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
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