Manie's TEN

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Manie B, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  2. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Hi Angélique,

    The cause for pole shifts are not very well documented and probably because they occur so far between, but there are indicators. It may occur as a result of meteor impact, the expected 7th planet Nibiru and a host of other occurrences. One of the problems is that the populace is kept numb and dumb and the few that begin to wake up are often confronted with a huge amount of misinformation.

    There are some indicators though of how such an event will impact earth, and it has to be somewhat severe. The mammoth they discovered in EU still have some organic matter they could analyze, suggesting that EU was tropical before, and the pole shift came about quickly hence the mammoth got frozen as it was chewing flowers and what ever mammies eat. They also succeeded to germinate (and grow) some of the tree seeds, suggesting that the previous pole shift was not THAT long ago.
    If it is due to Nibiru, then a pole shift could come about every 3600 years... and we are said to be overdue, although there are many misconceptions to translate and understand the old history.
    One thing is for sure, while every one think they are so clever and we are so modern and technologically advanced, looking at what is discovered even today indicate that we are a bit behind in most things...
    You can read on Nancy's web site on Nibiru and what the Zeta's say, google zeta-talk. They reckon Nibiru is around the corner so-to-speak, and it's not going to be pretty.

    The other thing that may be interesting is, remember how in the old days earth was said to be flat ? Well, what gave them that idea... or is it that they had previous knowledge and we were pulled the wool over our eyes. Check out Admiral Byrd and flat earth.... the worrisome is that some of the indicators suggest earth is not the ball we think.

    Then there are the mounting evidence of aliens, and not only those flying up there but between us reptilians. There was even a flying saucer shot down in Sic Africa, google kalahari ufo crash, and I spoke with someone who was involved with the incident.

    Considering many of these things makes one think what the hell is really going on !

    I'm working on a compass that you can flip direction if the poles suddenly changes :D
  3. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Hello Hoyte,
    Yes, there are a few weird things going on... Something Is Going On

    How many volcanoes went off there ? 52 ?

    I once read a very interesting article suggesting that every x years after meteorites become visible something radical on earth happens, they had a list and dates, but these could have been manufactured as are many occurrences with blood moons and other astronomically predictable incidents are deliberately used to create certain impressions.
  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Thanks [​IMG], best have one ready before Manie's departure so he can take it along for some sea voyage testing . . . :cool:
  5. Yes
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    Yes Junior Member

    Happy New Year to the main man, Manie B and all the rest of you.
  6. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Happy New Year, Manie. Come back alive.
  7. Manie B
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    Manie B Senior Member

  8. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Manie, you have more guts than brains :D

    Never the less, I think it is fantastic that you decided to live out what tickles your fancy.
    I say go for it. Don't hold back.

    I hope you have safety belts installed in that vessel, in case of some bad weather you want to buckle yourself in and wait the shake out. Ok.

    Come by before you go.
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    I'll go with Edwin Land (Quotes) here and say Manie has both and also is not shy to do the work . . . :cool:

  11. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Wow Angel

    and a big thanks to all the mates and supporters

    Fanie as soon as this heat wave is over and I can just walk outside I'm coming around
    And for the other folks
    you have the floods, we got the scorching sun and dust and more dust
    we are simply just not geared up for this heat

    anyway I'm still working on the boat at night and try to sleep in the days
    got some nice pics and posts coming soon now

    thanks guys (and girl) :D
  12. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

  13. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    Hello Manie,

    very clever system but perhaps the culprit lays in the fact that air needs to be "forced" in as far as I understand it.
    Nevertheless something surely worth to thinker about !!!
    My simple mind says that "all" you have to do is find a way to cool the heated air and capture the droplets, sounds simple but.........
  14. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    The question is what goes cold if you put 12v to it?
    What makes that "heatsink" go cold?

  15. Eric17
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    Eric17 Junior Member

    Look for "peltier cooler", Manie...
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