Making a change!

Discussion in 'Education' started by Thames3, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hi again,

    Let me answer the questions you made and introduce some more comments

    Yes, that's true ... but only after you left and without any reason. After you left, we closed the course for new enrolments, deleted any references to you, and sent the students a six-month notice so that they could finish the course before discontinuing it. The content the students used for the course was the one that we prepared for the course, you being only one of the four contributors to that content.

    Yes, I know. I still remember how, after your departure, you made a Word document with all our private conversations on LinkedIn (private messages) and sent it to the Navalapp instructors with some kind of message (paraphrasing): "This is the real Pablo. You are going to be surprised by what you are going to discover. I am going to unmask him ..." Well, I have to say that the instructors were really surprised, but not by what you expected. Since then, we have published four courses with that same instructors and we have a lot more projects to come.

    This is fun to read. After you departed, you took the materials we prepared for the course, including the sailing boat designed by other of the course instructors, and tried to sell a course with the same material on your own. We had to send you an email to explain that we were very happy with you creating a course but that you had to develop your own material.

    I don't know; you are the only one who can answer it. The only thing I can say is that you had several plans to achieve with Navalapp: sell boat drawings and kits, sell services, develop more courses, sell your software through Navalapp ... You also wanted me to remove the other two instructors from the course and become the only one (which I did not accept). If I have to answer your question, I would rather say it didn't look like you wanted to leave. But again, you only know.

    These sentences are very interesting because, during the time you were working with us, we met the real you, not the personage hidden behind an anonymous internet account. What we found was a big disparity, in many senses, between the "you online" and the "real you." Also, I personally find the second sentence very interesting, especially because I am intrigued by its psychological meaning ... which I do not know because it is out of my competencies, but something tells me that sentence is important and that there are a lot of things going on in it.

    Really? You have been using our own social media posts to comment negatively and, at the same time, provide links to your own services.

    Again, I wish you all the best. And again, I really do.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2024

  2. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Location: Helsinki

    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hello @TANSL ,

    Lately, I have received messages from some of our Students about your online behavior in some of their posts on their own social media (e.g., Facebook).

    In some of their posts, you have posted your comments discrediting Navalapp and trying to destroy the reputation of specific Navalapp members that you have even specified by name, and after that, you have taken the time to write about how good you are and also try to sell your services.

    The thing is that, as you haven't tagged us in your comments, we do not receive a notification of them, so you might think that your behavior will pass unadvertised and that you can take advantage of it at no cost. However, our students are reaching out to us.

    I want to let you know that, despite what you might think, that behaviour is not benefiting you and this is a common vision shared by the people that have received your messages.

    Most people perceive your behavior in a completely different way than the one you intended. I assume you do it because you think it benefits you, but it seems that it might be undermining your credibility, professionalism, and reputation.

    Even if this negative perception of your behavior is the most common one among most people, I also understand it could go completely unnoticed, unacknowledged, or even dismissed by you. Whatever the case, I hope you will receive this message in good faith and that it will make you reconsider this behavior, which, I believe, will greatly benefit you.

    Wishing you all the best.


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