M.Sc/M.Eng in Naval Architecture by long distance learning

Discussion in 'Education' started by Elanggowan, May 11, 2015.

  1. Elanggowan
    Joined: May 2015
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    Elanggowan New Member

    Hi, I'm a Malaysian working in a Singapore shipyard and I hold a B.Eng in Mech from Malaysia.
    I'm seeking advice on which university in UK offers long distance learning in M.Sc or M.Eng in Naval Architecture.
    I'm interested in pursuing a career in ship designing once I have completed the course.
  2. vkstratis
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    vkstratis Naval Architect

  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Southampton University now has a campus at Johor Baru, see here.

    Why not contact them direct and ask what they can offer.
  4. Elanggowan
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    Elanggowan New Member

    Thank you to both of you for the info, I will definitely check out both websites.
    Do let me know if there are other uni offering such courses uk.
  5. akashmenon
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    akashmenon Marine Engineer

    I currently study at Newcastle University in the UK, I believe that the university works with SIT to offer an MSc in Marine Technology, both full time(1 year I think) and part time (3 years) I think it's quite flexible.

    The link to the page is here:

    When you graduate you basically receive a certificate stating that you have graduated from Newcastle University (and SIT I think).

    I study here (UK) as an undergrad and I hear the new campus in Singapore is quite good.

  6. Elanggowan
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    Elanggowan New Member

    Thank you for the info akashmenon.
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