Low price Catamarans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by SteveW, Mar 8, 2008.

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  1. observer
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    observer New Member

    Alik, I am a new poster from the US. I am not obligated to give my details. Given the attacks in this thread, I am not inclined to do so. I am not involved in any cases discussed here. As my posting name describes, I am an observer who has been considering yards at which to build.

    Again, you are a colleague of RB. A brief internet search shows that you work with or for him. It means your comments are, again, not impartial. I note that you also enjoy joking about clients builds and insulting them personally, so it is a little difficult to take your opinions seriously.

    I don't see evidence in this thread of anyone defaming the entire boat building industry in Thailand. There are specific cases, involving specific people.

    I am not trying to 'prove facts'. I have nothing to prove, or gain, either way. I am offering an observation, as someone who has been following this thread without posting previously.

    I used structural weakness as a description. Different standards in different countries are irrelevant to my point, which is about basic safety. If there is structural weakness, the boat can be dangerous, especially when sailed long distances.

    I hadn't intended to reply, but I did feel the need to clarify my original post, as there seem to have been some misunderstanding.
  2. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Thanks, observer. We work with many builders in and outside of Thailand, also with RB since 2007. I consider RB reasonable quality for budget boatbuilding. Yes, not luxury quality. Probably his position on the market as 'low price boats' is the reason for this thread - he attracts most of low-budget boat dreamers who often do not have the money to complete the projects (specially now in crisis). Also some them really know nothing about boats, have exaggerated expectations, no idea on expenses involved and some of them can not even swim!

    I understand Your reaction about our armchair jokes, but this is all about anonymous 'industry experts' who have picked up all their knowledge from Internet.

    But anyway we get a lot of customers with real boating experience, doing great contribution to design with ideas and clear design requirements. Would be happy to have You as one of them.
  3. khunian
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    khunian Junior Member



    After insulting people's experience it is then a little late to ask what that experience is! I believe I know enough to ask cogent questions to which the only response seems to be personal insults.

    I notice that Warren has posted some information on his blog about his experience : http://naturalhigh-adventures.com/warren-blog/ which it seems takes him beyond the armchair - unless it is fastened to a boat in rough seas!

    The Calder article is interesting but I guess you failed to fully read his conclusions which are less one sided than you suggest. In addition this article is over one year old and the new batteries that he mentions are becoming a reality. Given the push in the auto industry we can expect to see high power / low weight batteries from Korea that GM has contracted for their range of hybrid cars. The power to weight ratio will make them suitable for boats as well. There is nothing wrong with the traditional approach but looking at new opportunities can perhaps offer some benefits.
  4. khunian
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    khunian Junior Member

  5. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Can You imagine solo-sailor, running the generator and air-conditioner during the voyage? Have You seen experienced ocean sailor who would prefer single power source option (genset) instead of twin engines (backup opportunity)? In this terms, Creed's boat has got really reliable system with 2 outboards - Creed is experienced guy. Opposed to that, Warren's system is strange, but lets wait for his feedback from the boat, ok?

    Conclusions are clear enough - it is not worth unless used on displacement boats with high housing load demands. Electrical propulsion is used on some commercial vessels and proved efficient - for floating cranes, tugs, etc. There is no issue with batteries, the issue is with energy conversion - loss of efficiency every time we convert the energy that is evident.
  6. khunian
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    khunian Junior Member

    I realise that English is not your first language - but try reading the last paragraph on page 151 of Calder's article. And remember:

    "A mind is like a parachute - it only works when it is open"
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Not true as we - as designers - supply complete design and specifications of equipment with photocopy of every item from catalogue! (So there are no claims on our designs here).

    But some customers save money on design - this is another story... :p
  8. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Yes, there are a lot of hopes... nothing particular on advantages. I believe in numbers, even with parachute-mind :) I don't believe the advertisements.
  9. khunian
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    khunian Junior Member

    As RB is your customer and not the boat buyer, the boat buyer may not be made aware that design safety factors have been minimized to the limit to save construction cost - at the request of your customer - RB. There are also enough unspecified areas to create room for savings in build or to request additional charges from the boat buyer. Trust is obviously important and something that many contributors to this thread indicate is something that is not there with RB.
  10. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Khunian, I understand that You are Warren, welcome :)
    I respect Your seafarer's experience, but the system You use on boat is really strange for experienced sailor and for intended use of Your boat. There is no backup if some electronics fails, You can not fix it in the sea.
  11. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Design safety factors derive from standards, not from RB. We do not design substandard boats.
  12. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Additional charges - minimize the changes during construction, there will be no additional charges.
  13. also concerned
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    also concerned New Member

    low priced catamarans.....

    Hello Been Robbed,

    What is the status of your boat?

    Sorry to hear you have been ripped off....looks like many customers have been ripped off by this crook.

    Also Concerned

  14. la rochelle
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    la rochelle New Member

    Has he the ability to build coracles, the disillusioned public would at least understand if they were not quite as seaworthy. Any boatbuilder has a duty of care!!

  15. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)


    "coracles" I had to search...



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