Low price Catamarans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by SteveW, Mar 8, 2008.

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  1. RB PowerSailing
    Joined: Aug 2008
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member

    where are the happy customers ?

    Here finally a self explaining image of happy past customers !!

    Join the winning team , call or email right now !

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  2. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    This is special model for armchair sailing in Sargasso Sea.
  3. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Pony26 - new model of compact armchair.
    To build, multiply all dimensions on this drawing by 1.152

    Yellow part is keyboard support essential for typing analytical notes on boatbuilding :)

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  4. rzj7l2
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    rzj7l2 Junior Member

    somehow I have that nagging feeling that this thread is becoming slightly offtopic. Only slightly but still if you carefully look at the thread you may notice that we got distracted somehow.
    errm What are we talking about???
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  5. dutz
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    dutz Junior Member

    perfect response

    I disagree. The "armchair" antics are right on target. It's all about exposure. Exposure 1001 actually. I calculated about 1000 views in 24 hours. Lots of touch-and-go of course. But that's OK. Serious clients with cash to burn will stick around and read awhile. Then they'll go burn their cash with serious builders. End of story (for now).

    "armchair". I like. Do more. Please!
  6. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Some more chairs -

    Discount chair
    Match pair of in-the-**** chairs
    The BIG fish chair
    The Brakpan (South Africa) swingers club chair
    And the 'NO !! we don't have a chair' chair

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    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Mr.Liar, did You send the inquiry about testemotionals already?
  8. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    special model for serious clients

    This model is for serious clients like 'dutz-the-liar'. Tripod provides stability, sail-style cushion adds feeling of realistic armchair sailing.

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  9. Real AB product.... but too real for "anonymous" posters...:D Not for sale!!:cool:

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  10. But your reputation it is going down... :p :eek: :eek: and enquiries from my website up...;) ;) .
  11. also concerned
    Joined: Sep 2008
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    also concerned New Member

    low priced catamarans...

    Hello Mr. Dutz,

    The qoute below is well said ...I think it's worth repeating !!!

    Let's all keep warning the public to practice due diligence and not get conned.

    past victim....
    Also concerned

  12. also concerned
    Joined: Sep 2008
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    also concerned New Member

    low priced catamarans Thailand

    Hello All,

    The quote below is a good warning to the public.

    Also Concerned

  13. RB PowerSailing
    Joined: Aug 2008
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    RB PowerSailing Senior Member

    I don't agree


    Hey , this is not true !!

    I had only 1 case here , with Siam Sailor , and the case has been rejected after only 6 months . :p :p :p with our full satisfaction , let me say .

    Not years for sure ! The Court is very busy as everywhere else in the world i guess , but very efficient .

    I found very offensive call this country "far east asia " , as it is not true .

    Lawyers are economical and relatively efficient , in Thailand . The whole system is much more efficient then in Italy for example ;

    These arrogant persons , that got no idea of what they r talking about , and keep offending a country , with this racist feeling of superiority ...

    Have you been cheated in Thailand by my yard ? Excellent ; hire a lawyer and go to Court . If you are right you will win and get refunded . Otherwise will end up as Siam Sailor .

    Don't you have the money for the laywer ? We are talking of less then 1,000 US$ . How could you have thought to manage your boat with so little cash flow ?

    If you don't go to a Court it is because you ARE WRONG .

    Calumnies hiding behind a nickname .....

    The only RB shame is to have accepted a customer as this one .

    myself ,yes, i can sign and i don't need to hide:

    ***** **********

    RB Power & Sailing Co.;Ltd.
    Managing Director

    *****'s Sailing Center Co.;Ltd.
    Managing Director

    Clapham Co.;Ltd.
    Managing Director

    Amazing Resort Co.;Ltd.
    Managing Director

    KombatGroup Co.;Ltd. , Lilliput Resort Co.;Ltd. etc .

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  14. Gerard Kennedy
    Joined: Jan 2005
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    Gerard Kennedy Junior Member

    Hello Albert,

    I love the armchair input. Puts it all into prospective!

    He we have the " Armchair Sailor Award" for 2009 for excellence!

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  15. khunian
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    khunian Junior Member

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