Looking help to design 165 ft (50.3M) Catamaran

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Troy Royal, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. Troy Royal
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    Location: Antigua and Barbuda

    Troy Royal New Member

    Hi everyone, looking help in designing a 165 ft (50.3M) Catamaran for being a charter boat in the day & Party Boat at night.

    I live in the Caribbean so im not new to boats but would greatly appreciate any help in designing this gorgeous boat.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The best help I can give you is to write a statement of requirements (SOR) and approach a Naval Architect. That is a multimillion dollar project and would be foolish to start it with random opinions from this or any other forum.
    abosely likes this.
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    To build that ship you not only have to contact a naval architect or get some "random opinions", the thing is much more complicated and expert technicians in many different disciplines must intervene, not forgetting the tools, techniques, materials and labor, that the future builder, shipyard, has.
    The first thing would be for a technical team, which can be reduced, to help you make a preliminary draft of the ship. With that draft you should check with several shipyards to find out which one is the most suitable for your boat. This draft, which must include an estimate of costs, will also help you make the first steps with the banks.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I shall endorse fully Gonzo's and Tansl's comments above - and add a few more questions if I may.
    Actually, G & T are being remarkably polite and restrained - anybody less polite would simply say that you have a few screws loose.....
    I presume that this cat will be operating in Antigua? Will it have sails, or just engines?
    How many passengers are you anticipating to carry?
    Have you thought about the construction material yet?
    This vessel will be considerably in excess of 24 metres loadline length - what are the regulations in Antigua regarding construction standards (?), manning, safety and certification? You would be very foolish if you do not build it to an approved standard, eg as established by a Classification Society.
    Whereabouts are you thinking of having this vessel built?
    Have you sketched out any ideas of your own yet as to what this big cat will look like? If so, please do post them on here.
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  5. Troy Royal
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    Troy Royal New Member

    I wrote the statement wrong by how i said i was looking for help.

    I have tried contacting couple boat builders for they to design the Catamaran but they inform me that they only will so it if they are building it.

    I already wrote a (SOR) and have highly skilled technician and engineers in each field required for the task at hand.

    Im just missing a naval architect but i just cant find one to work with.

    To Bajansailor i was the one who stated what i was looking for wrong but to the questions you asked yes im building it to standard requirements with all safety protocols. The team that im using is a are very skilled technicians & engineers in there field.

    The only thing im missing is a Naval Architect to design the Catamaran and if anyone can stare me in the right direction to one.
  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    That's a good start.
    But Im now confused this this statement:

    So you don't have a NA in your highly skilled team of engineers?
  7. Troy Royal
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    Troy Royal New Member

    I had one before but he's having some family issues so he cant do this project.
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I am confused as well.
    If you ask an established yard to design the cat for you, it is only natural for them to want to build it as well.
    Re your skilled team all ready to start work (building the boat?), are they in Antigua?
    If yes, does this imply that you will build the boat in Antigua as well?
    Be aware that while this boat is 'only' 4 times longer than a 40' cat, it is easily 16 times (if not 32 times) more complicated to design, project manage and build - complexity does tend to go up exponentially with size.
    You could consider putting this vessel out to tender - supply a copy of your SOR to a number of established yards whom you would be comfortable working with, and ask for quotations for designing and supplying the vessel. You want to make the SOR as detailed as possible.
    One advantage of this is that even if you do not like any of the proposals that are submitted, it will still give you a good head start on how to proceed further when you do engage your own naval architect (and project manager?).
    Ad Hoc likes this.
  9. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Indeed, not just yards..but NA companies too...and inform them they will work with yard XX or YY as your preferred builder.
    bajansailor likes this.
  10. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Troy, if you do not want to make your SOR public on this forum, you could perhaps submit it to very experienced (re catamarans) naval architects like Ad Hoc, Tansl and AliK (to name just three who post on this Forum) and allow them to see if they would like to work with you, once they have reviewed the SOR?
  11. tatoglu
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    tatoglu Junior Member

    Dear Troy,
    We can help you Naval Architecture side on this project. You can contact with us with below e-mail adress.
    www. oto-bot.com

    Kind Regards,
    Mahmut Ziya Tatoglu

  12. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    A picture is worth a 1000 words. Best thing would be post even a rough sketch of what you want, and that will help find the right NA.
    Plus you will get meaningful suggestions from the forum, such as "boarding ramp in bad spot because...."
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