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Looking for used Chopper gun System & Gelcoater

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by cbboatworks, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. cbboatworks
    Joined: Sep 2006
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    cbboatworks Junior Member

    I am looking for a used chopper gun system & a gelcoater if someone is selling one please contact me ASAP.Thanks

  2. grp.boat
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    grp.boat Junior Member

  3. Eagle Boats
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    I sent you an email regarding the gel coat units that I have, but you did not respond. Are you still looking for one?
  4. gunny
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    gunny Junior Member

    hey Eagle you wouild'nt happen to have a external mix chop gun laying around would you? no cutter needed just the gun to hook up to my system...
  5. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    Gunny, I may have a Binks model 2400 available. Its external mix. Let me know if interested. You can check the gun out on the Binks website.

    I also have a number of spare parts that can probably build a Glas Craft external mix gun. Let me know if either is of interest to you.
  6. gunny
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    gunny Junior Member

    hey Eagle i was wanting one that i could put a chopper on, not just a sprayer do you have any of those?
  7. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    You can put a chopper on each one.
  8. gunny
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    gunny Junior Member

    binks 102-2400 right? i didnt see the mount for the chopper in the pic. can you send me a couple pics? id greatly apreciate it ...timmartison@yahoo.com
  9. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    It is the 102-2400. I believe that Binks has a part that screws into the gun to mount a chopper. You will probably have to modify the part, or make your own to accept the chopper that you have.
  10. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    What system to you have?
  11. gunny
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    gunny Junior Member

    i have a MVP Fit aps system..i can use either interal or external mix guns..would like to do away with the flushing (cleaning) it costs alot..
  12. gunny
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    gunny Junior Member

    so......hmmmm, no pics?
  13. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    I will have pictures of the gun later. Gotta walk the dog and get the kids ready for school.
  14. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    Here are the pics.

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  15. Eagle Boats
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    Eagle Boats Senior Member

    ooops, forgot one.

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