Looking for sailboat identification.

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by mpinnell, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. mpinnell
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    mpinnell New Member

    Good Evening,
    Recently purchased a small fiberglass sailboat (11' 6"), but do not know the make. There is no hull plate, but I have attached a photo of the sail insignia. Any help would be appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

  3. mpinnell
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    mpinnell New Member

    Thanks Ike - I appreciate the effort.

  4. nota
    Joined: Sep 2012
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    nota Junior Member

    the symbol looks like a sextant

    post a picture of the whole boat +rig it can't hurt !

    there are lots of one only a of few small boats

    I know because I have a 12ft d/b sloop clearly a molded production boat
    that nobody can ID
    what worse is my boat is just a hull no rig or sails and no d/b or rudder ether
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