Looking for information on 28 foot Wolverine racer

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by cascade36, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. cascade36
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    cascade36 New Member

    A freind and I recently purchased a 28 foot Wolverine racer. This little known boat was built in Rotterdam Ny. by the Rainbow Co. around 1963. It has an all aluminum hull and cabin with a bolt on cast fin keel. The hull was welded out of 3/16" plate by the Lasco Machine and Welding Co. According to the Schenectady Historical Society records of that era the boat had a successful race introduction at the Miami one of a kind boat race in Feb 1963 where it took first place in a field of 100. We would like to restore this to original condition but cannot find outany other details or pictures to do so. It was an Alan Gurney design which was done while he worked for Bill Tripp Jr. The historical society also gave me information about a 42 foot "raider" all aluminum racer designed by Tripp but I cannot find any information on that vessel as well. We are looking to put this vessel back into racing form and would love to have it as original as possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  2. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    You might try asking Billy Tripp. He might have access to his father's archives, or might know where you can find more info.

  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I love the designs of that era.
  4. cascade36
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    cascade36 New Member

    Thanks Paul, I will try to contact him and see if he can help. The interior layout and sail plan are our main concerns as the exterior seems untouched other than a old round Chris Craft port a previous owner installed. We are retired welder/fabricators so any metal work shouldn't be a problem. I believe Alan Gurney is in Scotland but is now a writer, I have be trying to find a way to contact him as well. This is a pretty sleek boat for that era and extremely well fabricated. Thanks again
  5. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    Yes, Alan Gurney is in Scotland and writing books. If the boat was designed while he was employed by Tripp he should not have any of the drawings. The drawings and other materials would have been the property of Tripp.

    Your project may have been a racer in 1963, but it would not be very fast compared to modern boats. I am a proponent of rescuing old race boats. I have done it myself. Just go into this with eyes open and realize the end product of your effort will not be worth anything to anyone but you. Don't invest one cent more than you are willing to write off as a total loss.
  6. cascade36
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    cascade36 New Member

    Thanks again Paul, we only paid $600 for it, aluminum scrap in our area goes for .85 a lb. so if things don't work out we can probably recoup our investment. That is not our intention. We got it to have some fun and do some local Wednesday night club racing. Roly and I both have other boats ( Cascade36/C&C 38) so it is going to be a good time have a few beers project. We both have a good array of equipment to do it, lathes,mill,tig,mig and presses as well as leftover gear from retrofits on various boats we've had. Cost should be relatively low. I have sent an email to Billy Tripp. Thanks for the advice.
  7. jwkane
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    jwkane New Member

    any update?

    any update on the refit?
  8. gndalow
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    gndalow New Member

    I have the plans of Alan Gurney's Wolverine. I sailed aboard the prototype at the Yachting Magazine's One-of-a-Kind regatta in the early 1960s and also raced this boat on Long Island Sound with the designer, who was a close friend. Please contact me privately -- taj@pshift.com Thanks, taj
  9. Tom.151
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    Tom.151 Best boat so far? Crowther Twiggy (32')

    That gets a Wow!
  10. jwkane
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    jwkane New Member

    As an aficionado of the wolverine

    As an aficionado of the Wolverine it is now in my shop after a bit of delay. I hope to have it back on the water soon. I have found a bit of information from one of the other two Wolverines known that I will be uploading soon.

  11. Tassiebob
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    Tassiebob New Member


    Hi Do you have any updates on the refurb of the Wolverine 28? We are considering to buy a Wolverine built in timber. Any advice?
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