looking for free software to compute GRAIN LOADING MANUAL

Discussion in 'Software' started by pathrudu chinta, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. pathrudu chinta
    Joined: Oct 2015
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    pathrudu chinta Naval Architect

    Hello all,
    kindly please let me know if any free software for low cost software to do GRAIN LOADING MANUAL is available.

    thanks in advance.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you have clear concepts, any software that calculates the stability in loading conditions can serve you. Simply enter changes the center of gravity of the load as the boat is leaning. It is very tedious but it can be done.
  3. pathrudu chinta
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    pathrudu chinta Naval Architect

    hello sir,
    i am not having good enough concept regarding that, but i am having a sample manual of another vessel approved by class.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In this case, it is possible that no software can solve your problem.
    The designer, fortunately, always needs to make decisions that no software is able to take.
    My advice, no offense but with the greatest respect, is to look, not a software, but a professional who will clarify the concepts.

  5. pathrudu chinta
    Joined: Oct 2015
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    pathrudu chinta Naval Architect

    thanks for your reply sir. as i am doing it for learning i will try to do.
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