Looking for experienced painting foremen

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by insider, Aug 7, 2012.

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  1. insider
    Joined: Sep 2008
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    insider Junior Member

    I`m looking for an experienced painting foremen for a 47m project in northern Europe. The project will be a 47m semi-displacement build in Aluminium completely. The whole project should be done with local people with medium experience. Materials will be supplied by shipyard. We are looking for someone who is willing to drive the fairing and painting as head from the beginning to the end. Workers will be supplied by the shipyard. I would need to get from you an private message and will send you an email where you can send your cv, reference list and your salary package expectations. The project might start in 2013.
  2. Andrew Pitt
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    Andrew Pitt Andy J.J. Pitt FRINA

  3. ReflexionYC
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    ReflexionYC New Member


    Your account doesnt allow Pm's or emails...

  4. insider
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    insider Junior Member

    Sorry, I was on vacation. I changed the settings, so now it should be possible to send pm. In the meantime the shipyard where we worked for stopped our consultancy agreement. Nice thing to do when concerned people are on vacation. As we still have an guy who delivers us informations there might be still the chance to get in. The project is very tight calculated and will only happen if the company reach a certain price. I believe that can only happen if the tasks are drastically reduced. Like working with a foremen and local workers instead of hiring a full service subcontractor for the paint for example.
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Sounds like a fair and paint job that will look like crap when finished.
  6. tro
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    tro Junior Member

    Luxury Yatch Refinishing Inc.

    Date: January 23, 2013

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.

    Fw: Introduction and Resume

    Thank you for taking the time to review our introduction. If you have any further request for our resume we will respond promptly to you.

    Our Mission
    ...is to provide our clients with the highest level of yacht fairing and painting at an exceptional value.

    Our People
    Experienced craftsmen are not easy to find in the marine industry but LYRI stakes its reputation on the skill of its crew. Guided by a Master Craftsman and Coating Specialists, LYRI insures that each job are done to the highest yacht standards.

    Company Profile
    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc. was established to provide excellence in the application of yacht coatings. Excellence in service and excellence in value. We specialize in yacht fairing and painting services in the world market. We provide our clients the best craftsmanship possible working with Megayacht and Superyacht owners, captains, Boatbuilders and Boatyards.
    Our headquarters are located in the heart of the United States Yacht industry in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc. deploy its crew around the world, providing excellence in coating applications. Our services offering include...

    New build fairing and painting

    Refit painting

    Painting of interior & engine rooms

    Coating Consultancy

    Fairing and Painting Services
    When it comes to the exterior surface of a yacht's hull or superstructure, merticulous adherence to the complete coatings process produces the best result. Our crew have delivered expert services world-wide to get the job done right the first time! Whether New Build or Refit services are needed, experience dictates and guides a complete and successful coating process.

    Thank you once again for your confidence in us. If you have any further questions, please contact us with your requirements or inquiries and we will respond promptly to your request.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Tro Le

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.
    1480 South West 24th Court,
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
    United States
    Cell: +1 (954) 536 - 9877
    E-mail: luxuryyr@yahoo.com
  7. tro
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    tro Junior Member

    Tro Le - Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.
    Our base in Broward Shipyards Florida US and are currently looking for a new project, large or small not a problem, location anywhere. We specialize in high quality yacht fairs finish paints includes metallic service and have vast experience in running teams large or small. We are willing to travel anywhere at short notice with spray gun in hand please contact us at any time.
    Email: luxuryyr@yahoo.com
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Working permits for the UK are not easy to get. Particularly for the trades since they have a fair amount of unemployment. I think only a citizen of the EU would have a chance for the job.
  9. tro
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    tro Junior Member

    Dear Mr. Gonzo
    Thank you for your respond. We would like to respond to your inquiries and requirements.
    If the shipyard, yacht owner(s), or captain accepts the financial responsibility to cover work permit, travel, and lodging for our team, we will accept the job. Our team is made up of United Stated citizen and we have traveled all over the world for various projects on yacht finishing and marine related works. We are also willing to work with local people in order to get their expertise onboard with our team.
    Please send an architectural drawing of the exterior of the said vessel (47 meters yacht) so we can negotiate and compensation package for the work to be agreed upon. Thank you and hope forward to hear from you on this matter.
  10. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    You wrote that your people are American Citizens.

    Insider posted the OP and requested a foreman. Gonzo just replied the simple fact that non EU citizens might not be able to get a work permit ....


  11. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    You work , not as a subcontractor, but by being signed onto the yachts crew list as CREW. Its common with the big boats.

    The situation could be different on a new build with no flag state.
  12. tro
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    tro Junior Member

    Tro Le - president of Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.

    Date: January 30, 2013

    Dear Sir and Madam
    Please send me your an private message email and where can i can send you my cv, reference

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc. subcontractor Shipyards, Owners, Captains a complete supervision service, including draw up and verify work lists, negotiate yard quotes and contracts, as well as providing day-to-day supervision from start to completion of the work new or repair construction. We specialized in small and large projects in yacht fairs finish paint. Our team will travel anywhere in the world on short notice to work on projects to your specifications. We are a highly experience and professional organization that will meet every requirements of your project, or please email us for more information at luxuryyr@yahoo.com

    Best regards

    Tro Le
  13. Gary Crago
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Gary Crago New Member

    please send email address as to where i can get back to you with cv and refs. my email address is crago66@gmail.com .

  14. insider
    Joined: Sep 2008
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    insider Junior Member

    Dear All,

    thanks for your replies, but this opportunity is cancelled. The project did not made it!
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