Looking for Dynarig details

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Red Dwarf, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Red Dwarf
    Joined: Jun 2012
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    Red Dwarf Senior Member

    I am very interested in the Dynarig but all I can find are pictures and very general statements.

    Does anyone know where I can find more engineering related information? Also looking for real world performance information and tests. Basically if I wanted to try and play with the layout of a Dynarig all I have to go on right now are pictures.

    I really like the concept shown elsewhere for the catamaran with a Dynarig. The simplicity and possibility of simple single hand operation are very appealing.

    I have some ideas for a variation of the Dynarig and will post some images soon. Obviously without any design guidelines the proportions are just a WAG.

    edit - here is the catamaran with a Dynarig concept. http://www.runningtideyachts.com/dynarig/
  2. sean9c
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    sean9c Senior Member

    Jim Betts (jbeinc.com) is building one for a Kurt Hughes designed multi. I'm assuming Jim is just building what they asked him to but you might contact Hughes (multihulldesigns.com) and see what he knows.
  3. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Hi Red Dwarf,
    I'm the guy who proposed that Dynarig cat. I was also involved with some discussions of alternative forms of the dynarig such as here

    There are some other similar discussion threads if I remember correctly. If you use the 'search' function of this forum and simply look for all subject threads with the world 'dynarig' you should access them.

    I had some sketches done up that I was going to try and clean up a little bit and post them on one or two of these subject threads. But at the moment I just don't have the spare time to address the subject as I am working on some other projects.

    Sorry for time delay
  4. Red Dwarf
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    Red Dwarf Senior Member

  5. brian eiland
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    That is a really good paper. I'm sure I referenced it on the long running subject thread on Maltese Falcon.

    At the moment I can't recall all of the reasoning I was using when I suggested that 'headsail addition'. So don't quote me on this short explaination I offer here, but I believe this was part of my reasoning.

    If you refer to this posting on a 'stayed dynarig' and the references it makes to the 'weatherly square riggers', you may detect that I liked the idea of a stayed dynarig (even partially) on a multihull vessel that can experience quick exaggerated motions that are then transmitted to the rig. If one could carry a headstay and a backstay, then absolutely go for it, it might allow for a less loading on those mast bearings and the 'free-standing' mast.

    Now if we employ a forestay-headstay why not rig it with the option to carry a light weight furling sail that might be used in light wind conditions, maybe upwind and/or on a reach?? Besides I have certainly spoken in the past to the effectiveness of such a big headsail being helped by its after sails.

    When I drew this 'Dynarig on a catamaran' idea up I was exploring all possiblities as they entered my mind. I included these as possibilities to look at later in a more thorough analysis that would take place once someone really developed an interest in going forward with more detailed reasearch and planning.
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